Wednesday, June 13, 2018

God Keeps His People

Do you ever think God will leave you or already has?
Then stop believing the lie! He will never leave you. He doesn't sleep. He doesn't turn His back when things go awry. He can't, He loves you to much.
So soak up this little devotional and refuse to believe anything other than God will keep you in the palm of His hand.
God Bless.
I could quote hundreds of passages from the Holy Scriptures to show that God keeps His people and that there is nothing in earth or in hell that can harm a trusting soul. The past is forgiven, the present is in God's keeping and a thousand bright promises give assurance for the future. Yet we are sometimes terrified by the adversary.
This is not uncommon but it is unnecessary. We should not try to excuse it, but rather acknowledge it as evidence of our spiritual immaturity. Through the blood of the everlasting covenant we are as safe here on earth as if we were already in heaven. We have not passed beyond the possibility of physical death, but we have entered a sphere of life where we can afford to die, knowing that for the Christian death is a bright portal to the ineffable glory. It is entirely possible to reach a place in grace where nothing can panic us. We can have an understanding with God about our yesterdays, our today and our tomorrows. The fear of death and judgment goes out of us as the true fear of God comes in, and that fear has no torment but is rather a light and easy yoke for the soul, one which rests us instead of exhausting us.

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