Monday, August 31, 2015

Count It All Joy

Temptations. The subject of temptations spark a lot of debate.

However, one thing is clear, we each have to deal with the subject matter. Maybe not in the same way as others but still temptations follow us from day to day.

And this little devotional peeked my interest on the subject so I wanted to share it with you.

The one thing I know, it's not what the temptation is, it's how we handle it is what counts.

God Bless.

Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. – Jas 1:2

Not all of us understand the meaning and purpose of temptation. We think of it as an effort of Satan to destroy us.

That is what Satan intends, but that is not God’s intention concerning temptation. Jesus was not only tempted, but He was led, driven, by the Holy Spirit to His temptation.

He could not be our Savior until He was tempted – that is, tried and proved. So we read here, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation.” The beatitude is not for him who has not been tempted, but for him who has met temptation and has been victorious.

It certainly seems a strange thing to read that we should count it all joy when we fall into manifold temptations. We regret to see our friends come under sore temptation or to have to be tempted ourselves; but we learn here that we may even count it joy to have the experience. Temptation is therefore an opportunity.

Blessings lie beyond it, which cannot reach in any other way but through the experience of temptation.

Author Unknown

Friday, August 28, 2015

Abraham And Issac's Story

Abraham and Issac's story is a classic that will go down forever in history.

I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I could have done what Abraham did. In fact, I'm not sure I would have been so trusting as Issac. I may have fought harder for an answer than he did and I certainly can't see myself getting up on an alter and letting myself be tried down.

And in fact if I was Abraham, I would have been kicking and screaming about why me and my child, Lord. There would be some serious conversations taking place, granted it would have been one sided but still, I have the whole conversation down pat in my mind.

Yet, if either of the character's in this story hadn't been so trusting, we wouldn't have a true picture of what was going to take place in the future between God and His son.

I have to wonder though as Jesus was going to the cross, if Abraham and Issac weren't whispering in Jesus's ear telling Him just how much it means for Jesus to be the sacrifice the world so desperately needed and that sealed the deal for Jesus to climb up on that cross and make everything new again.

God Bless.

Genesis 22:7-8 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?”“Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.“The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”  Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.

As a reminder, Abraham and Isaac are here at the Lord’s request. The Lord told Abraham to go and sacrifice Isaac on the altar. Now, Abraham could have answered Isaac’s question in many different ways. 

He chose to answer in such a way that put on display his faith in God, and also communicates a great truth to Isaac without revealing a verbal sign of anxiety. Remember also that Isaac is the promised child that lives only because of the power of God. Like Abraham, we must be willing to trust God with the gifts that He gives us.

It unlocks the miraculous and displays great faithfulness.

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Jesus Daily: Bible Devotional' android app.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Nurturing Others

How much time do you spend nurturing others? Me, well my circumstances my be different than yours. Often times for me, it's not my choosing why I can't get close to others.

But the ones who let me in, I pour my heart into them with little regrets. But recently, God has been dealing with me about how I can impact others and their lives for the better even if I'm not in their lives.

I now realize just how important people truly are and how valuable making them a priority is.

God Bless.

If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 4:10

Work on growing your relationship with someone near to you. Maybe it's a friend, neighbor, sibling, or parent. Maybe it's your spouse, and life events have been pulling the two of you apart.

Spend valuable time investing in these relationships, and not only will you get further in life than you would by yourself, but you will feel rewarded in being part of another's life story.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Trust Him Through The Process

I love these words from this little devotional:We often think of trusting God for things we need or want, but a true relationship of trust in God extends beyond trusting Him just to get something. We need to learn to trust Him through the process of attaining those things we desire.

How true they are! Or at least for me. I want, no, I desire to trust Him more in every area of my life including the area's I don't talk about with others.

So, I'm encouraged by this little devotional and I strength my resolve in trust in the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.

God Bless.

Trust Him Through the Process

We often think of trusting God for things we need or want, but a true relationship of trust in God extends beyond trusting Him just to get something. We need to learn to trust Him through the process of attaining those things we desire.

There was a time in my life when I focused intensely on trusting God for things, saying, 'I want this, God,' and 'I need such-and-such, God.' He began to show me that getting all those things was not the most important issue in my life.

He wanted to teach me how to trust Him enough to walk through situations with stability and with a good attitude on a consistent basis. He needed me to learn that He may not always rescue us when we want to get out of circumstances, but He is always with us as we walk through them.

God does not always deliver us from everything when we think He should, but He is always with us. Today, instead of focusing on just the end result, realize that God is with you now. He is near to you, so trust Him to walk with you through the process.

Prayer Starter: God, I am so glad that You are with me now. I don't just trust You to give me things, but I trust You through the process of life.

Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Praising Thoughts

I know I've said this before, but I need all the help I can get when it comes to my tongue and my thoughts.

Lord, if people knew what I was thinking at any given time, I would be on the most wanted list.

My thoughts alone are a deadly weapon who need to be railed in. So when I came across this little devotional, I knew hope abound for me.

I need to take a closer look at how I use my thoughts and turn them into a weapon of praise instead of a weapon of arson!

God Bless.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (NLT) -Philippians 4:8

Ever heard of the saying "You are what you eat?" Well, the same is true with your thoughts; you become what you think. Fixing our thoughts on the positive allows our outlook to be positive, even if we are surrounded by negativity.

Paul is trying to show us that we can rise above behaviors we detest. It all starts with thoughts, which lead to actions, and eventually become habits.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Pray About

Do worry about things, like me? Are you a prayer, unlike me? Do you look at the things going on in this world and say I'll pray or are you like me and think, 'Lord, how am I going to survive?'

I want to be a prayer warrior instead of worry wart. This little devotional gives me hope and let's me know that God knows my thoughts and hears the prayers that goes unprayed for my walk with Him and He gives me something to keep me going because not only does He care about me but He also loves me.

God Bless.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (NLT) -Philippians 4:6

Do your best with the talents God has given you, and relinquish to Him the things over which you have no control.

When you turn all of your worries to God, a sense of peace will set in. If you feel anxiety and worry building up in your thoughts, take a moment to ask your Heavenly Father to calm your fears. Remember to thank Him by acknowledging that He is the creator of this earth.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Measuring Life

Are you greedy? And I'm not necessary talking money either.

Anything that pulls you away from your relationship with God the Father is greed in my opinion.

Including time, thoughts, and of course money.

And I'm sorry to say, there are times when I allow things to pull me away and keep me for days, months, and yes, even years away from my relationship with God. I'm not proud of it.

But I'm calling it what it is for my life and in my life, it's greed. And thank you Lord, you don't hold it against me!

God Bless.

Then Jesus said, "Beware! Guard against every kind of greed.  Life is not measured by how much you own." (NLT) -Luke 12:15

Greed is so difficult to identify in ourselves, yet so easy to call out in others. This verse is most powerful when we apply it to our own selves.

When you feel an impulsive thought to take advantage of a situation for your gain, take a moment. Think through your actions thoroughly and look at who loses with your gain. Will your action bring you closer to God or further away from depending on Him?

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Thursday, August 20, 2015


Do you trust Him?

I love this little devotional which gives the benefit of trusting Him.

It's so not about us but about the Man who gave it all and would do it all again! So let's not forget all His benefits and trusting Him is only the stepping stone to the rest of our lives.

God Bless.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

When you trust someone, you are able to become more intimate with them. We open up to those who we have grown to trust, and have proven trustworthy in our lives. We "pour out our hearts" because it is in our design.

 Just like God has designed us to worship Him, He has also integrated in us a desire to pour out our hearts to Him. We are designed to be in relationship with the Lord, that's the idea. Trust in Him, for He has proven trustworthy at every turn in history. Let Jesus be your refuge and strength!

 Verse courtesy of 'Psalm-A-Day' android app.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Good Deeds

I know all about doing good deeds and I must admit, there was a time in my life when I was one of those people who believed my good deeds was all I needed to do to get to heaven.

Then I got a reality check. In fact, I will be so bold to say that God gently slapped me along side the head and told me to grow up.

And I have. I got into the word and I let Him show me how His kingdom works.

Am I perfect? Not by a long shot.

Have I got it all together? Are you kidding me?

Do I know everything there is to know about God and His kingdom? Not even close.

But I do know it's going to take more than your deeds to get you to heaven. But that is something for you and your maker to work out. If you ask, He will show!

God Bless.

Now I will expose your so-called good deeds. None of them will help you. (NLT) -Isaiah 57:12

Some people believe being a good person will get them to heaven. Good deeds alone don't lead to everlasting life, but faith in God leads to a beautiful life beyond this earth. Faith in God can't be replaced by good deeds.

Faith is believing in God and trusting in His goodness. Remember to include God in your daily decisions to grow your relationship with Him.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I Entrust My Spirit Into Your Hand

To you search Him out in time of trouble? In my case, it truly is a case by case basis.

If I know it's going to be an easy trail. Not so much.

However, I'm grown up enough to know that this isn't how things work and in the long run, not trusting Him in every area, every trail, and everything in between will sooner or later catch up to and I will have a full blown mess on my hands. Bigger than if I would have trusted Him from the get go.

So when I read this little devotional, I didn't get condemned. I got encouraged. And in this life, getting all the encouragement you can, goes a long way for living a rich filled life.

God Bless.

I entrust my spirit into your hand.  Rescue me Lord, for you are a faithful God. (NLT) -Psalm 31:5

Times get tough and life is not easy.

Place your faith in God, look to Him for protection. Pray to Him and tell Him your worries.

He is always there, faithfully waiting for you to come to Him.

If you are having a hard time seeing God's faithfulness, ask Him to open your eyes.

Ask Him to show you all that He is doing in your life.

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Monday, August 17, 2015

Play To Your Strength

This devotional gives you an insight on playing to your strength. 

If your like me, you bounce around wondering what to do but when I read this, I knew I came across something to make my wishy-washy mind settle down and hopefully after reading this, you will stay the course and together our strengths will outshine anything we can imagine.

God Bless.

Play to Your Strength: The 70-20-5 Principle

Great leaders play to their strength. They don’t spend vast amounts of time attempting to be a jack-of-all-trades. Instead, they deepen their ability to do what they do best, until they do it as well as anyone.

Solomon certainly lived by this principle. God made him the wisest and richest king of his day (1 Kin. 3:12, 13). Other monarchs heard of his wisdom and wealth and eagerly sought an audience with him. From all over the known world, powerful rulers from distant lands made the long trek to Israel to catch a glimpse of this young phenom. Solomon provided rich counsel and gifts to others, and quickly became known for his breadth of mind and depth of insight.

How did Solomon gain such fame? He focused on what he did best. Leaders would be wise to follow a similar pattern, called the 70-25-5 principle:
  • Give 70 percent of your time to your areas of strength.
  • Give 25 percent of your time to the areas you want to improve.
  • Give 5 percent of your time to the areas of your weakness.
Maxwell Leadership

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bless Someone Today

Have you taken the time to think of others today? Will you?

Have you ever wonder how you can be a blessing? It just takes a simple thing to make one's day.

Nothing big is required. In this world today, where people are searching for the next big thing, it's the small things that open up the door for change to come about in someone else's life.

So, let's start a domino effect and without giving it to much thought, let's go out and bless someone! It will be worth it!

God Bless.

Bless Someone Today

by Joyce Meyer 

In everything I have pointed out to you [by example] that, by working diligently in this manner, we ought to assist the weak, being mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, It is more blessed (makes one happier and more to be envied) to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

To have a healthy love walk today, spend time this morning thinking about what you can do for somebody else. Don't wait for God to ask you to do something; take the initiative and say, "Okay God, what can I do to be a blessing on Your behalf today?"

The best days you live are the ones you spend loving other people. Choose a particular person, and think about ways to bless him or her. If you don't know what to do, just listen to what he or she says, and before long you will hear of that individual's needs.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

What About Me

I love when Joyce does her 'What about Me, Robot.'

This little devotional gives God's side of the 'what about me' argument. And I can tell you this, God gives a very good argument! :) :)

God Bless.

What About Me?

by Joyce Meyer - posted August 13, 2015

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
- 1 John 4:8 NIV

God is love, and His nature is that of a giver. He gives, He helps, He cares, and He sacrifices. He does not do these things occasionally; they represent His constant attitude toward us. Love is not something God does—it is Who He is. He always offers us love, generosity, grace, and help. God does chastise His children when they need it, but He even does that out of love and for our own good to teach us the right way to live.

Everything God does is for our good; all of His commands are intended to help us have the best lives we can possibly have. Because God's love has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (see Romans 5:5), we can love and be kind to others, which means taking the focus off of ourselves, silencing the internal voice that asks, What about me?, and learning to follow Jesus' example of being kind, generous, and loving toward others.

Power Thought: I love because I know God, and God is love.

From the book the book Power Thoughts Devotional by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2013 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Be A True Worshiper

I love this little devotional. It gives an insight of what a true worshiper of the one true God is.

And I'm all for getting the help I need to strengthen myself in this area.

Hopefully this will help others as well.

God Bless.

Be a True Worshiper

Worship is so much more than just singing songs. It is a condition of the heart and a state of mind. We can even worship God passionately without singing a single note. Our worship for God is born in our hearts, it fills our thoughts, and it is expressed through our mouths and through our bodies.

The world often thinks of worship as "religion," which could not be further from the biblical concept of worship. It's about a personal relationship, spiritual intimacy and passionate expressions of devotion from people who love God with all their hearts. This is true worship.

The Bible says that God is seeking those who worship Him 'in spirit and in truth."

I find it interesting that He does not want just anybody to worship Him. He wants true and genuine people. He does not want to be worshiped out of fear, obligation or religion.

True worship is a result of intimacy with God. Worship God today with your whole heart, and be a worshiper in spirit and in truth!

Prayer Starter: Lord, I don't just want to offer You lip service. Instead, I give my life to You as a true worshiper, intimately connected with You. You are so good to me and I want to worship You 'in spirit and in truth."

Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Being A New Creation In Christ

Do you truly know what it means to be a new creation in Christ?

When I ran across this, I knew I had to share it. The words below give an inkling of what it is like to be a new creation and for me, there isn't anything better. Hopefully, you will agree.

God Bless.

Being a new creation in Christ means that you have been renewed.

The old sinful person you once were has gone as a result of your being completely renewed through Christ.

In fact, the word renew can be defined as "changing into something new and different, something better."

That really sums up what renewal in Christ means in that we were remade into something better. For some of us, it may have been quite a struggle to remove the old sinful self and totally renovate our lives. It may continue to be a struggle, but know this: if you stay steadfast in your relationship with God, He will continually work in your life to renew you and rid yourself of the stains of sin that may continually plague you.

Author Unknown

Monday, August 10, 2015

Elijah and Ellisha, The Prophet

Are you willing to be taught? If someone came to up you and said, "follow me." How would you react?

I love this little devotional who takes us into a journey with two of the most famous prophets that ever walked on earth. This devotional gives just a glimpse of what it must have been like for Elijah and Elisha and their walk. 

I know I say all the time how much I would love the power they had but can I say the same thing about the journey the had to endure getting it? Probably not. I would be a whiner. But you can see just get a taste in just how much they sacrificed for the calling.

Not only the sacrifice but what about the faith they must have had. In no way shape or form am I at their level but that doesn't mean I've given up. Not by a long shot. I'll keep going, dying to self, put my trust in, and faith in the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob for He promises me that He will never leave me and will guide me into the plan He has set before me.

God Bless.

Elijah the prophet placed his cloak over the shoulders of Elisha the farmer. At God’s command, Elijah was summoning Elisha to leave his farm and take on the work of prophet for God’s people. Elisha was to be Elijah’s apprentice. This was not a small request, and it would require a great commitment from Elisha.

Elisha made his commitment clear. He brought an end to his old occupation by killing his oxen, burning the plow to cook the meat, and sharing it with his family and neighbors. They joined in as witnesses recognizing this change in his life. Elisha wanted to show God and everyone that he was fully committed to this new call and mentoring relationship. Trusting God as he went forward, Elisha did not look back.

Discipleship requires a willingness to be taught and redirected. It requires a commitment to letting the Spirit work in our lives. Hesitation and looking back are not going to work. Either God is our only comfort, or we will try in vain to find comfort elsewhere. Discipleship does not always demand a major career change, but it does require placing everything in God’s service. Taking a step of faith requires a full commitment to being discipled.

Like Elisha, do you need to put away things from your past to be committed to being discipled by the Spirit?
Lord, help us to be fully committed to being your disciples. Help us to throw off anything that entangles us and hinders our commitment to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Author Unknown

Friday, August 7, 2015

O God, You Are My God

Rut's are a part of life. No way around them. They defenetly play on your mind and emotions.

But what I like about this little devotional, even though ruts are normal, it helps me to see the bigger picture.

And the bigger picture is my relationship with Jesus and how I nurture it.

It takes time, energy, and some dying to self but I assure you, it's going to be worth it all.

God Bless

O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. (NLT) -Psalm 63:1

Have you been stuck in a rut lately? You are angered easily, your patience runs thin, and perhaps your optimism has worn down. This happens when we don't connect with the Lord on a regular basis. Especially during the summer and our schedules get hectic, taking time out to spend with God can be often overlooked.
If you haven't in a while, spend some time, first thing in the morning praying to God and reading His word. You will see a noticeable difference in your patience, optimism, and grace.

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Walk In Love

When it comes to walking in love with others, I need all the help I can get.

Most of the time, I look at people and want to slap them silly and ask them, "who raised you?"

But I can't. I know better. I live better than that. And every day, it doesn't hurt me to go to God 
in prayer and ask Him to show me how He sees people. 

I can assure you, He sees them with the eyes of understanding and of love. He knows them better than I could possibly know them. He looks upon their hearts and still says all is well and good.

It is through Christ's eyes, I should look and walk. His eyes see love and not my selfishness. We need to pick up His cause and stop saying, "God did you see what what's her face just did?" Instead replace it with eyes of compassion for others. It's called, denying yourself, and it's the hardest job there is.

God Bless.

Walk in Love

by Joyce Meyer

And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance. —Ephesians 5:2

Jesus said, “If anyone intends to come after Me, let him deny himself [forget, ignore, disown, and lose sight of himself and his own interests] and take up his cross, and [joining Me as a disciple and siding with My party] follow with Me [continually, cleaving steadfastly to Me] (Mark 8:34, emphasis mine).

Living a disciplined life means laying aside personal feelings, deciphering which choice is most important in God’s eyes, and then allowing that choice to take preeminence over the others. As Jesus laid down His life for you, He is asking you to lay down your interests for His greater cause.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Daniel: Visible Habits

How we serve Christ is so important. If you haven't ever thought about how people are watching you and watching your reactions to the things that are taking place in this world, then you should. 

In this little devotional I absolutely love how the author puts these words into play: As mentors, we can share how God is still working on us. We can demonstrate the value of time in prayer and in God’s Word that shapes us into the people God has called us to be.

This says it all. These words should be in the forefront of our minds as we take a step outside and face the world because you truly never know who is watching.

God Bless.


By Steven and Deb Kosteron 
Scripture Reading: Daniel 6 

Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. - Daniel 6:10
Daniel’s habits of prayer were known to the people around him. He practiced his rituals of faith openly before his community. There was no question of where Daniel’s allegiance centered. The king himself commented about the God whom Daniel continually served (Daniel 6:16).

Rituals can get a bad name as empty routines that have no meaning—or worse as showy demonstrations of spirituality. But they can also be helpful disciplines—powerful practices to reorient our hearts to God in the midst of life’s chaos. Regular routines are helpful for keeping us centered on God. Neglecting prayer and the study of God’s Word results in spiritual depletion. Rather, we need a break from busyness, and quiet time with God helps us reconnect with him as the source of our strength and encouragement.

As mentors, we can share how God is still working on us. We can demonstrate the value of time in prayer and in God’s Word that shapes us into the people God has called us to be. We need to be regularly connected to the vine if we are going to see fruit develop in our lives (John 15).

What spiritual habits are you engaging in to keep your life focused on God? How have you been blessed by routines of nurturing faith?
Lord, help us to establish regular habits of prayer, worship, and engaging with your Word. May our habits of faith draw others to know you more. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Steven and Deb Koster

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Lydia And The Philippians: Take Initiative

I'm going to admit, I didn't know much about who Lydia was. But after reading this little devotional, I was amazed. 

Without her and her willingness to take an initiative, we may not have known as much about Paul as we do.

I've come to know over the years that every one who is mention in the bible, no matter how small, has played a huge part in God's movie for the human race and His cause.

When God puts people like Lydia in the bible, they are there for encouragement. God looked ahead and knew people were going to need to know, and understand, and be encouraged how God uses people for the big and little things in life.

God Bless.


By Steven and Deb Kosteron Tue, 28 Jul 2015
Scripture Reading: Acts 16:13-15 

When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. - Acts 16:15
Paul and his companions visited Philippi on their journey to share the good news of Jesus. At the river outside the city gate, they found “a place of prayer” where Lydia and some other women gathered for worship on the Sabbath.

Lydia was a dealer in rare purple cloth, an entrepreneur with her own business. It took initiative and drive for her to thrive as a merchant, and she applied those same qualities to worshiping and serving God.
When Paul shared the gospel that day, the Spirit opened Lydia’s heart to respond. She and her household were baptized. Lydia then took the initiative to invite Paul and his fellow travelers to stay at her house.

This fellowship became a refuge for Paul and his companions. When he and Silas were wrongfully jailed and later released, they went directly to Lydia’s house (Acts 16:40). The church in Philippi also gave generously to care for Paul’s needs as he traveled to other towns (Philippians 4:14-16).

These believers in Philippi took the initiative and built an active community of faith. And Paul thanked them for their “partnership in the gospel,” confident that the Lord would carry on the good work there “to completion” (Philippians 1:5-6).

Mentors take the initiative in blessing others. Follow the Spirit and make the first move, opening the door for another’s benefit. When you feel God’s urging, take action!
Lord, help us to see your working among us. Embolden us to follow you in action. Amen.

Monday, August 3, 2015


Who is Christ and His political position?

This little devotional helps put a perspective who Christ belongs to and why He came.

I don't need to know all the political details but what I do need to know is that no only does He belongs to me, but He also belongs to a dying world who just needs to hear and be shown how much He loves them. So let's not go all political, lets stay the course and freely give this Man the room He needs to bring a world closer and united and when that happens, no one is going to care which political party you are apart of, whether your black, white, Asian, or in between for we will be one in Him.

God Bless.

It may shock some people to be told that Christ is not an American. 

Nor was He a Jew merely. He was born of the seed of Abraham of the line of David, and His mother was a Jewess of the tribe of Judah. Still Christ is vastly more than a Jew. His dearest name for himself was "the Son of man." 

He came through the Jewish race, but he came to the human race. He is Everyman's countryman and Everyman's contemporary. He is building a kingdom of all nations and tribes and tongues and peoples. He has no favorites, "but in every nation he that fearest him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." Let us remember that the gospel is a divine thing. 

It receives no virtue from any of man's religions or philosophies. It came down to us out of heaven, a separate thing, like Peter's sheet, wholly on its own. It is something given of God. It operates in the individual heart wherever that heart may be found. Any form of human government, however lofty, deals with the citizen only as long as he lives. At the graveside it bids him adieu. 

It may have made his journey a little easier, and, if so, all lovers of the human race will thank God for that. But in the cool earth, slaves and free men lie down together. Then what matter the talk and the turmoil? 

Who was right and who was wrong in this or that political squabble doesn't matter to the dead. Judgment and sin and heaven and hell are all that matter then. So, let's keep cool, and let's think like Christians. Christ will be standing upright, tall and immortal, after the tumult and the shouting dies and the captains and the kings lie stretched side by side, the "cause" that made them famous forgotten and their whole significance reduced to a paragraph in a history book.
