Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Trust Him Through The Process

I love these words from this little devotional:We often think of trusting God for things we need or want, but a true relationship of trust in God extends beyond trusting Him just to get something. We need to learn to trust Him through the process of attaining those things we desire.

How true they are! Or at least for me. I want, no, I desire to trust Him more in every area of my life including the area's I don't talk about with others.

So, I'm encouraged by this little devotional and I strength my resolve in trust in the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.

God Bless.

Trust Him Through the Process

We often think of trusting God for things we need or want, but a true relationship of trust in God extends beyond trusting Him just to get something. We need to learn to trust Him through the process of attaining those things we desire.

There was a time in my life when I focused intensely on trusting God for things, saying, 'I want this, God,' and 'I need such-and-such, God.' He began to show me that getting all those things was not the most important issue in my life.

He wanted to teach me how to trust Him enough to walk through situations with stability and with a good attitude on a consistent basis. He needed me to learn that He may not always rescue us when we want to get out of circumstances, but He is always with us as we walk through them.

God does not always deliver us from everything when we think He should, but He is always with us. Today, instead of focusing on just the end result, realize that God is with you now. He is near to you, so trust Him to walk with you through the process.

Prayer Starter: God, I am so glad that You are with me now. I don't just trust You to give me things, but I trust You through the process of life.

Joyce Meyer

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