Thursday, August 27, 2015

Nurturing Others

How much time do you spend nurturing others? Me, well my circumstances my be different than yours. Often times for me, it's not my choosing why I can't get close to others.

But the ones who let me in, I pour my heart into them with little regrets. But recently, God has been dealing with me about how I can impact others and their lives for the better even if I'm not in their lives.

I now realize just how important people truly are and how valuable making them a priority is.

God Bless.

If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 4:10

Work on growing your relationship with someone near to you. Maybe it's a friend, neighbor, sibling, or parent. Maybe it's your spouse, and life events have been pulling the two of you apart.

Spend valuable time investing in these relationships, and not only will you get further in life than you would by yourself, but you will feel rewarded in being part of another's life story.

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