Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Lydia And The Philippians: Take Initiative

I'm going to admit, I didn't know much about who Lydia was. But after reading this little devotional, I was amazed. 

Without her and her willingness to take an initiative, we may not have known as much about Paul as we do.

I've come to know over the years that every one who is mention in the bible, no matter how small, has played a huge part in God's movie for the human race and His cause.

When God puts people like Lydia in the bible, they are there for encouragement. God looked ahead and knew people were going to need to know, and understand, and be encouraged how God uses people for the big and little things in life.

God Bless.


By Steven and Deb Kosteron Tue, 28 Jul 2015
Scripture Reading: Acts 16:13-15 

When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. - Acts 16:15
Paul and his companions visited Philippi on their journey to share the good news of Jesus. At the river outside the city gate, they found “a place of prayer” where Lydia and some other women gathered for worship on the Sabbath.

Lydia was a dealer in rare purple cloth, an entrepreneur with her own business. It took initiative and drive for her to thrive as a merchant, and she applied those same qualities to worshiping and serving God.
When Paul shared the gospel that day, the Spirit opened Lydia’s heart to respond. She and her household were baptized. Lydia then took the initiative to invite Paul and his fellow travelers to stay at her house.

This fellowship became a refuge for Paul and his companions. When he and Silas were wrongfully jailed and later released, they went directly to Lydia’s house (Acts 16:40). The church in Philippi also gave generously to care for Paul’s needs as he traveled to other towns (Philippians 4:14-16).

These believers in Philippi took the initiative and built an active community of faith. And Paul thanked them for their “partnership in the gospel,” confident that the Lord would carry on the good work there “to completion” (Philippians 1:5-6).

Mentors take the initiative in blessing others. Follow the Spirit and make the first move, opening the door for another’s benefit. When you feel God’s urging, take action!
Lord, help us to see your working among us. Embolden us to follow you in action. Amen.

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