Monday, August 10, 2015

Elijah and Ellisha, The Prophet

Are you willing to be taught? If someone came to up you and said, "follow me." How would you react?

I love this little devotional who takes us into a journey with two of the most famous prophets that ever walked on earth. This devotional gives just a glimpse of what it must have been like for Elijah and Elisha and their walk. 

I know I say all the time how much I would love the power they had but can I say the same thing about the journey the had to endure getting it? Probably not. I would be a whiner. But you can see just get a taste in just how much they sacrificed for the calling.

Not only the sacrifice but what about the faith they must have had. In no way shape or form am I at their level but that doesn't mean I've given up. Not by a long shot. I'll keep going, dying to self, put my trust in, and faith in the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob for He promises me that He will never leave me and will guide me into the plan He has set before me.

God Bless.

Elijah the prophet placed his cloak over the shoulders of Elisha the farmer. At God’s command, Elijah was summoning Elisha to leave his farm and take on the work of prophet for God’s people. Elisha was to be Elijah’s apprentice. This was not a small request, and it would require a great commitment from Elisha.

Elisha made his commitment clear. He brought an end to his old occupation by killing his oxen, burning the plow to cook the meat, and sharing it with his family and neighbors. They joined in as witnesses recognizing this change in his life. Elisha wanted to show God and everyone that he was fully committed to this new call and mentoring relationship. Trusting God as he went forward, Elisha did not look back.

Discipleship requires a willingness to be taught and redirected. It requires a commitment to letting the Spirit work in our lives. Hesitation and looking back are not going to work. Either God is our only comfort, or we will try in vain to find comfort elsewhere. Discipleship does not always demand a major career change, but it does require placing everything in God’s service. Taking a step of faith requires a full commitment to being discipled.

Like Elisha, do you need to put away things from your past to be committed to being discipled by the Spirit?
Lord, help us to be fully committed to being your disciples. Help us to throw off anything that entangles us and hinders our commitment to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Author Unknown

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