Monday, August 31, 2015

Count It All Joy

Temptations. The subject of temptations spark a lot of debate.

However, one thing is clear, we each have to deal with the subject matter. Maybe not in the same way as others but still temptations follow us from day to day.

And this little devotional peeked my interest on the subject so I wanted to share it with you.

The one thing I know, it's not what the temptation is, it's how we handle it is what counts.

God Bless.

Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. – Jas 1:2

Not all of us understand the meaning and purpose of temptation. We think of it as an effort of Satan to destroy us.

That is what Satan intends, but that is not God’s intention concerning temptation. Jesus was not only tempted, but He was led, driven, by the Holy Spirit to His temptation.

He could not be our Savior until He was tempted – that is, tried and proved. So we read here, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation.” The beatitude is not for him who has not been tempted, but for him who has met temptation and has been victorious.

It certainly seems a strange thing to read that we should count it all joy when we fall into manifold temptations. We regret to see our friends come under sore temptation or to have to be tempted ourselves; but we learn here that we may even count it joy to have the experience. Temptation is therefore an opportunity.

Blessings lie beyond it, which cannot reach in any other way but through the experience of temptation.

Author Unknown

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