Friday, August 28, 2015

Abraham And Issac's Story

Abraham and Issac's story is a classic that will go down forever in history.

I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I could have done what Abraham did. In fact, I'm not sure I would have been so trusting as Issac. I may have fought harder for an answer than he did and I certainly can't see myself getting up on an alter and letting myself be tried down.

And in fact if I was Abraham, I would have been kicking and screaming about why me and my child, Lord. There would be some serious conversations taking place, granted it would have been one sided but still, I have the whole conversation down pat in my mind.

Yet, if either of the character's in this story hadn't been so trusting, we wouldn't have a true picture of what was going to take place in the future between God and His son.

I have to wonder though as Jesus was going to the cross, if Abraham and Issac weren't whispering in Jesus's ear telling Him just how much it means for Jesus to be the sacrifice the world so desperately needed and that sealed the deal for Jesus to climb up on that cross and make everything new again.

God Bless.

Genesis 22:7-8 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?”“Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.“The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”  Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.

As a reminder, Abraham and Isaac are here at the Lord’s request. The Lord told Abraham to go and sacrifice Isaac on the altar. Now, Abraham could have answered Isaac’s question in many different ways. 

He chose to answer in such a way that put on display his faith in God, and also communicates a great truth to Isaac without revealing a verbal sign of anxiety. Remember also that Isaac is the promised child that lives only because of the power of God. Like Abraham, we must be willing to trust God with the gifts that He gives us.

It unlocks the miraculous and displays great faithfulness.

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Jesus Daily: Bible Devotional' android app.

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