Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I Entrust My Spirit Into Your Hand

To you search Him out in time of trouble? In my case, it truly is a case by case basis.

If I know it's going to be an easy trail. Not so much.

However, I'm grown up enough to know that this isn't how things work and in the long run, not trusting Him in every area, every trail, and everything in between will sooner or later catch up to and I will have a full blown mess on my hands. Bigger than if I would have trusted Him from the get go.

So when I read this little devotional, I didn't get condemned. I got encouraged. And in this life, getting all the encouragement you can, goes a long way for living a rich filled life.

God Bless.

I entrust my spirit into your hand.  Rescue me Lord, for you are a faithful God. (NLT) -Psalm 31:5

Times get tough and life is not easy.

Place your faith in God, look to Him for protection. Pray to Him and tell Him your worries.

He is always there, faithfully waiting for you to come to Him.

If you are having a hard time seeing God's faithfulness, ask Him to open your eyes.

Ask Him to show you all that He is doing in your life.

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://bit.ly/16uZrQ5

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