Friday, December 1, 2017

Decision Making

Everyone needs a little help when it comes to making decisions.

And for me, my help can be listening to the still small voice but usually, I throw thw voice into the wind and side with the decision that causes me trouble. 

So I am thankful for any help God want's to send my way. And for me, this little devotional helps me to discern which way I am to go on any given decision I need to make. 

And my hope and prayer is that you will read the following devotional and gain wisdom and your decisiveness will become a thing of the past.

God Bless.

Decision Making

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you
- Matthew 6:33

Life can often seem very complicated. Career decisions, family dynamics, academic ambitions -- every area and issue of life has its own challenges.

However, Jesus spotlights for us the one overriding, all-encompassing priority for living and, by doing so, simplifies our complicated decisions considerably. Seek first the kingdom, Jesus says, not personal advancement, financial security, or self-fulfillment.

Should you accept this promotion? Seek first the kingdom. Where should you send your children to school? Seek first the kingdom. Should you pursue this relationship? Seek first the kingdom.

While this directive does not provide the specific answer to every problem, it certainly does eliminate a great number of possible options. If it does not further the kingdom of God and reflect his righteousness, then it does not meet your basic criteria and need not be considered any further.

When we single-mindedly seek the welfare of the kingdom, then Jesus promises that God will seek our welfare, as well: all these things will be added to you. What things are these? Everything that is necessary and good for you, everything that will assist you in your goal of advancing the kingdom of Christ.

As you face difficult and convoluted questions today, filter your thoughts and decisions through this all-important objective: seek first the kingdom of God.

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