Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Decision Making

I hate making decisions but I also know decision making is part of being an adult. Am if I am completely honest here, I haven't really got a good track record in this area.

I have always let either my mind or other people make them for me and it's been disastrous making life more complicated than need be.

So I can so appreciate this little devotional and the words written within. I also know this little devotional is meant to serve as a guide to help me make more positive decision's and not only that but to help settle an old age argument I have had with myself and that is: it is always best to get God involved in any and all decisions I have to make so my life isn't  full of choas but one of peace and joy.

God Bless.

Decision Making

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil
- 1 Thesslonians 5:21-22

The standard by which we are to accept or reject every idea, emotion, or opportunity is whether it is "good" or "evil." No middle ground is mentioned.

How do we know what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong? The only infallible benchmark we have is God's Word, the Bible. We can not make decisions based upon our feelings at the moment, the advice or rationale of others, or society's changing ideas of what is acceptable.

Nor are we to make decisions only after "trying out" all our options. We are not told to "experiment with everything" but to prove (test) all things. Experience, emphatically, is not the best teacher. Instruction is. And in the Bible we find the instruction we need regarding how we are to live, what priorities we are to hold, and how we are to view the world around us.

Once we have applied God's Word to any particular issue in our lives, we are then told to whole-heartedly pursue the indicated course of action. If a thing is good, we are to "hold fast" to it, not substituting or selling it for anything. If it is evil, we are to "abstain" from it, not sampling or teasing with it in small doses.

Do you have a decision to make? Test it by the touchstone of God's Word, and then cling to the good and right path, abstaining from even the appearance or possibility of evil.

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