Thursday, April 19, 2018

Doing The Right Thing

Amen to the word's written in this little devotional.
Doing the right thing is probably the most hardest thing about this Christian walk. It ain't easy and sometimes you just plain don't want to but the rewards of doing the right thing out weight anything we could even imagine.
So if this is the case, then why don't we do it from the get go? Because we are human and God knows this and this is why He allows little devotionals like this to come across our path.
So be encouraged and challenge yourself to go out into the world and do good for others.
God Bless.
Doing the Right Thing
This is the most difficult part of a Christian’s life. I’ve often seen that doing good is painful. It seldom pays off and one doesn’t see the fruit of it too soon. I would say, the fruit of doing good is slow. Standing in queues, paying taxes honestly, obeying traffic signals when we’re in a hurry to get somewhere and the roads are empty, not giving a bribe to get the job done quickly, doing things legally... all this can be painful and requires immense honesty that may land you on the longest and slowest route to your destination. I’ve also seldom seen goodness pay off. It’s actually taken advantage of and leaves us feeling used. But that’s what we do to Jesus all the time, we take advantage of His goodness. Yet He does not stop. The only way to show that we are His disciples is to walk that painful path of doing the right things He has asked us to do - all the time! Have I missed doing the ‘right thing’? Sure.
Many times! But as I’ve progressed in my walk with God, the Holy Spirit has gently shown me that this is Christ-likeness and putting on the garments of Christ. Jesus’ death did not have an immediate impact. It took time. Following Jesus, His disciples faced prison, famine and finally, death. That’s painful! But hold on a moment! What is the reason we hang onto Jesus in spite of all these hardships while following Him? The answer lies in our love for Him. We could do without some illegal shortcuts and pleasures rather than be without Him. The end result? There is an immense joy that follows as He, our Lover and Bridegroom, draws closer to us, in the beautiful relationship between God and man.
Prayer Lord, I pray that even if I did not do all the right things so far, I will make an effort to consciously follow You and always do the right and godly thing in any given situation.
Lord, this has to be with Your help. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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