Friday, April 20, 2018

Please Don't Please Men

Men pleasing. We all do it and are probably doing it right now. It is just something we do.
Is it the lack of confidence or something deeper?
I don't know the answer ro the question but what I do know is this little devotional helps put things into perspective.
And perspective is something we all need to make it through this world and not just to make it, but to thrive.
God Bless.

Please Don’t Please Men!
Paul encourages us to do all things as working unto God and not unto man. Our work and actions are never unto men but we are to give our best to our audience of one - the Lord. Never forget, that while no one is watching, God sees all you do. For example, when Joseph was approached by Potiphar’s wife, he could have easily given into the act of adultery, thinking no one would ever know, but he chose to do the right thing and we all know how beautifully God blessed and honored him.
We will save ourselves a good amount of pain by not pleasing men. And trust me, it does get tiring after a while. When you stop striving to make others happy but only focus on giving your best unto the Lord, you will find yourself enjoying whatever you put your hands to, and life becomes easier and happier. God wants you to give your best to Him every day and find fulfilment in your life. There’s a saying, ‘Give your best, God will do the rest!’ God wants you to be sincere and make wise choices even when you are not being watched, which may not be very easy, but be sure that as you do what is right in His eyes, the Lord will reward you. That’s His promise and He never fails!
Prayer Loving Lord, let whatever I do, be with my whole heart and only unto You. Let me not strive to please people around me. Also, give me the strength to do the right thing, even when I’m not being watched.
-Author Unknown

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