Thursday, April 5, 2018

So Don't Be Afraid, Little Flock

Worry. The work of satan himself. It comes straight from hell itself and yet, I still do it even though I know better.
It's like my brain automatically generates worry when something happens. Better yet, the only time I seem to function in it is when I can't control something or something doesn't go my way.
I hate what it does to ya. It keeps you up all night; makes you second guess God and sometimes even makes you angry with Him (let's be honest here...); it makes you sweat and irritable with your love ones.
I see no benefit that comes from worry but instead a whole lot of headaches, heartaches, and possible bowel irritation's and fluctuations of stomach pain.
God, worry is irritating and debilitating but totally overcomable if we just believe in the One who overcame it in the first place.
So yeah, it's definitely doable and let's get to it the benefits are tremendously life saving.
God Bless.
"So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom." (NLT) -Luke 12:32
Why do we worry? Where does our worry come from? Is it placed in a mistrust in God? Can you hear the tender love in those words, "Don't be afraid, little flock?" Our heavenly Father actually wants to relieve us of those worries and then share with us His Kingdom. Put aside your worries and take peace in your Father's gift.
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