Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Learn To Love Yourself

To say that I love myself as of today would be a lie. To say I would live myself in a couple day's or months, or years is something I know I will be still working on. 
I know to love yourself is a command but I got to tell ya, I think God might have got his wires cross on this.
But I know He hasn't because if I truly knew who He is and who I am in Him because of what He did, then loving wouldn't be a problem.
So maybe it is time to shift the focus and start believing what God say's about who I am and stop focusing on what I see in the mirror because what I have found out is mirrors lie and they show no remorse for their pitiful lies either so why do I have ro follow their example?
I don't thank heavens so loving myself is now an obtainable goal not in the future but today, right now, this moment, and all I have to to is reach out and touch the hand who made me.
God Bless.

Learn to Love Yourself
First Scripture:  Jeremiah 31:3-4 God wants to restore you. He wants to offer you the ring of acceptance. He wants to reconcile you to the Kingdom. He wants to invite you to sit at His table. As it is written in Isaiah 61:7, “Instead of shame . . . you will enjoy a double share of honor.”
Once we get ahold of the truth of grace, not only does it empower us to forgive and love ourselves, it should also prompt us to forgive and love others. Because, let’s be honest, there’s a Prodigal in all of us. And sometimes it takes learning to love through a mess to get to the miracle. You can read the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, let’s put it in modern times.
You may relate to the following scenario. Lisa was raised in the church. Her parents were great people who loved Lisa and wanted only the best for their daughter. She made the mistake of her life when she began to date Bill. After several months, Lisa was head over heels in love and wanted to marry him. Lisa knew he had a drinking problem. He also had lots of excuses. She knew he did not like to go to church with her much, but she convinced herself that she could change him. Despite her pastor’s warnings and her parents’ pleadings, she went ahead and married him. About a year and a half later, she was in a living hell. Bill’s drinking evolved into physical abuse, and Lisa filed for divorce. She was heartbroken. She had ignored all the warning signs. Any time children of God marry children of the devil, they are going to have trouble with their father-in-law. The good news is, God never gives up on us. Recovering from bad choices you have made can be a heart-wrenching experience, but God is always ready to restore you, to give you a new start.
The Big Idea:  Learning to love others begins by learning to love yourself. 
-Author Unknown

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