Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Praise The Lord

I take You for granted and only praise You when I am in trouble and I see no way out.
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness but Lord, God my Father, I want to grow up and become a much more effective Christian than what I am.
Lord, to do this, I know I have to praise You in the good times as well as the bad.
Lord, I have to praise You in the morning and in the evening and every time between.
Lord, I praise You for this storm. I praise that You have already walked through it for me and now are walking along side me as the storm rages on.
Lord, I praise You for what is on the other side. I praise You because You care about all my needs and Your seed doesn't have to beg for food or their needs to be met for You have seen to it already.
Lord, I thank You and praise You that I am the head and the tail.
I praise You for who You are, what You have done, and what You will do in my furture.
Amen.  It is done.
Praise the Lord
We spend time praising the Lord regularly. We sing songs of praise, greet one another with the phrase, ‘Praise the Lord’, read verses from the Bible about praise and so on. But do we do it as a ritual or consciously?
How often do we really stop to meditate and ponder on the many things God has done for us? Often we get so caught up with the present situation or with the problems of the future that we tend to forget to appreciate the things God has done for us. We subconsciously overlook the struggles that God has brought us out of. We overlook the love and the blessings that God is showering us with. We tend to overestimate our problems and underestimate our God. If you just pause for a moment to think of all that God has done for you, there will be so many things that they can’t be numbered. The places that God leads us to, the things He blesses us with and the plans He has for us are the best. God’s mercy and favor in our life cannot be compared to anything. Thus, even when your soul is downcast or disturbed, put your hope in God and praise Him. Let us do as the psalmist says,
“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2 NIV).
Prayer Lord Jesus, I praise You and exalt You for all You have done in my life and all that You are continuing to do in me, through me and for me. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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