Monday, January 16, 2017

Don't Just Pretend

I am going to be competely honest here. It's a new year; a new me...a better me.
I have a secret that I want to expose about myself. Ready?
Here it is: I have a hard time with people. Like them, dealing with them, and most of the time I wonder why where their common sense went.
That's me but the spiritual me, loves people and has a longing to see everyone in the world come to the knowledge of the Savior of the world.
It is like a constant battle for me between my spiritural man and my human side but for the most part through the grace of God, my spiritual side wins and when my human side takes over and gets a punch here and there in, I know that God still see's me as perfect and loves me because of who I sever and I now have the knowledge and certainity when I screw up, God covers up and still finds a way for me to show His love to everyone I come into contact with.
Thank God, He knows more and cares about things than I do or no one would be safe from my human side.
God Bless.
Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. (NLT) -Romans 12:9
No one likes a fake smile because of the insincerity associated with it. Nor does anyone like false love from a person. Love is such a profound form of affection that it should not be artificial. If you do not have genuine concern for someone then pray for God to soften your heart towards them.
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