Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Your Words Carry Power

I have never given to much thought into what I say but over the past few months. So much has happened to my family these last few years where I finally had to step back and get alone with God to figure out how I was going to survive all the blows that came my way.
And one of the first things I felt God tell me was the words out of my mouth had power and the negative words were outweighing the positive ones. So, I searched out what I felt He had told me and I can honestly say, the words that had been coming out of my mouth weren't helping anything.
They were negative, no life, no hope, and certainly came from a place of deep hurt. I've been on a journey by myself to get back to who I was and who I want to become and I can honestly say, I feel like I am on the right track and I' want God's will more than my own. My future prove what my heart is saying more than what my mouth has.
God Bless.
Your Words Carry Power!
Ecclesiastes 8:4 Where the word of a king is, there is power…
In Bible times, a king’s word carried tremendous power. What he decreed would come to pass. It would be done. For example, if he said, “Raise the taxes,” the taxes would be raised. Do you know that we are kings?
The Bible tells us that Jesus has washed us from our sins with His blood and made us kings. (Revelation 1:5–6) And as kings in Christ, our words carry power too.
When we place our hands on a sick person and say, “Be healed,” the person is healed. When we lay hands on our children and say, “Be blessed,” our children are blessed.
There is power in our words because they are the words of kings! When I was a young Christian in my teens, I wanted to practice what I had learnt about the power of my words. There was this particular plant near my home and whenever I passed by it, I would say to it, “Be cursed in Jesus’ name!”
Many days passed. And I will never forget the day when I noticed that the leaves of the plant had turned brown! You may want to try this at home with your potted plants, but bless them instead! Since our words carry power, can you imagine the harm we do when we say to our loved ones things like, “You are always so careless”, “You are good for nothing” or “You are so stupid”? We are cursing them! The devil is happy when you use the power of your words against yourself and your loved ones. He wants to see you defeated. So instead of saying, “I am always short of money,” say, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)
Instead of saying, “I am so useless. I can’t do anything,” start saying, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) Beloved, remember that as a king, what you say will come to pass because where the word of a king is, there is power. So learn to say what God says about you in His Word and see His promises come to pass in your life! Thought For The Day As kings in Christ, our words carry power. When we speak God’s promises, they will come to pass.
Joseph Prince Miniseries

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