Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Don't Use Foul Or Abusive Language

I must admit, when I read this, I had to laugh out loud. For you see, I have a secret. And the secret is that i have no problem letting cuss words leave my mouth especially in the height of my temper.
No one wants to be around me when I'm angry, it is not a pretty picture. I have no real excuse for all those other times when my mouth gets away from me.
Cussing is a daily struggle for me. Now however, I no longer live in condemnation for cussing. Instead, I now know I have a Father who loves me, will not throw me away when I can't get my tongue under control. Instead, He is continually working in my life with faith in me that I will conquer all things, even something as silly as my battle of words.
And I will be forever grateful for His mercies and His faith in me and He shows me in the little things such as this little devotional.
God Bless.
Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. (NLT) -Ephesians 4:29
Go one step beyond not using abusive language. Instead of trying to just stay neutral in difficult situations, provide words of encouragement. There are many situations in which anger can creep up, such as when your spouse forgets to take out the trash, pay a bill, or pick up eggs from the store. Remember to be patient, understanding and forgiving, and then let your spouse know how much you appreciate them.
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