Friday, January 27, 2017


I don't know about you but repentance can be a clutch for me.

I use it when I've been caught and there is no where for me to go. Maybe I don't take it seriously. Maybe I don't understand the true meaning of it. Whatever the reason, I use it way to much and for all the wrong reasons. 

I cant lie, my heart is never truly in it and for that, I am truly sorry. But if I want to be a world changer, I has better get a heart makeover and get things lined up the way God intended for it to be. 

People are going to hell in a handbasket and we could all us a crash course in what true repentance does for the mind, body, and soul.

So let's start a new trend and let others know just how cool true repentance can be.

God Bless.


The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel
- Mark 1:15

Repentance involves a change of heart that leads to a change in action. It means forsaking sinful and rebellious ways in order to please our Creator God. But Jesus here takes it yet a step further.

Repent... and believe the gospel. As Jesus stands before us, warning that time is marching forward to a definite and purposeful conclusion, he calls us to repent and to believe. Repentance not only loosens our selfish hold on the things of this world; it also embraces the good news of another world.

What a sweet call this is! A call to believe that the good news that Jesus brings is actually true, that the God of heaven really has deigned to give his only Son on behalf of sinners. We are called to believe what might otherwise seem too good to be true. We are called to trust the God who cannot lie, to rest in the perfect work of a perfect Savior.

What about you? Do you see repentance as straitjacket to keep you from the good things in life, or have you come to understand that repentance is embracing the source of Life itself?

Time is progressing toward the inexorable end of one day facing our holy and hallowed Creator. Are you running from him now, or are you reveling in him now?

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