Thursday, January 19, 2017

Forget Me Not

I can reveal another secret of mine. I live in the land of believing I will not have enough and I am always buying two, maybe three, okay, four things of everything. I don't ever want to be without.
I guess I get this trait from when we were struggling and having a hard time with things. Having a baby, a teenager, a husband, and yourself living under the same roof and you are in constant comng down to the wire and wondering where the next meal was going to be and if you will have enough napkins instead of toilet paper does something to a person.
So I admit it, yes, I know God seen me through those times and didn't let us down but I still have the fear I won't have enough.
So, I live in the land of excess. But I am working on it along side my husband and we only buy two of a product if we know it is going to get used until the next paycheck. We also have a smaller stockpile which includes toilet paper, water, can items, a small freezer, romain noodles, and a generator all in case of a zombie apocalypse or God forbidden we are left behind in the rapture.
I know, but it's a fight. A fight I'm pursuing to win.
God Bless.
But when you had eaten and were satisfied, you became proud and forgot me. (NLT) -Hosea 13:6
Excess is a real struggle for many in our culture. With freezers full of frozen food, clothes for every season, and shelter for our cars, it's no wonder we're so proud. We must not forget where these provisions come from. Don't forget to thank God everyday for all that He has provided. Not only does it show appreciation; most importantly it will keep you humble.
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