Monday, January 9, 2017

God's Trump Card

God’s Trump Card
I don’t play a lot of cards or games for that matter, but when I do, I have a general understanding of how the game is played. In most card games, there is usually a trump card giving the player a slight edge.
According to Webster dictionary a trump card is something that gives one person or group the advantage over another. And when you look up trump in the Strong Concordence, trump is listed eleven times with a meaning that is closely related to a trumpet but if you dig a little deeper in the concordance, it points to another possiblity:
To Shake, agitate, cause to tremble, to call to war.
With the start of 2017, we as a nation, and as a people, are standing on the verge of history as we watch the transition of power take place in our nation’s capital. This is by no mean’s an article on politics. I don’t care if you are democrate or a republican or if you voted for Hilary or Trump. What I do care about is the aftermath of one of the craziest elections that I had the honor of being apart of.
Not only do I think the people spoke, but more importantly, God is speaking, and loudly. I think if we listen real closely we will hear a faint sound of a mightly roar coming from the Lion, Himself. A roar that is growing louder and louder with each passing day, week, and year.
I believe, God is shouting for His church to arise and take America back. I believe we, the church is down to our last card to play. If we don’t start being the church, I don’t think there will be another hand to be played.
If the church doesn’t get their head in the game, only God knows what will happen next but if you look at the players involved, you fnd it doesn’t take a genious to see what will happen next. We, the church, can no long put on our poker faces and try to out do one another. 
We, the church can no longer afford to gamble our future and the future generations away for a mere moment of pleasure. We can’t go fishing for something that will be here today and gone tomorrow.
We, the church has to acknowledge Satan’s game and no longer play by his rules rather begin to seek God’s strategies for America and the billions of people who live within it’s boarders. We can no longer use the old maid excuse where we don’t want to be the one’s who are thrown into the front lines of an age long war between good vs. evil.
We, the church must no longer pass the trash of others. We must get our lips in line and see people for who they are, loved by a good-good Father. The clock is running out and the opportunity to go to the four corners will no longer be an option.
We can no longer afford to be solitary in our lives, in what we believe, and who we associate with. We can no long play judge and jury, Spite and malice can no longer be a stronghold in our lives. We can no long spoon feed oursevles into thinking I will do what God wants to me to do tomorrow.
We, the church, and individually must no longer spade ourselve into thinking if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. The church is broken, families are broken, people are lost and dying and going to hell befoere our very eyes. Oh hell does exist and it’s dominon is lead by a boss monster who likes to play the momory game. You know the one, bringing up things that Jesus already sank into the deepest part of the sea.
Yep, Jesus can play too. He play’s only one game and he’s the master of of it. He plays battleship better than anyone I know. If you have a problem, He will sink it faster than you can say rummy. Uno, Jesus doesn’t care about where you been only where your heading. He will speed up your forever if you allow Him into your heart and take control. He is the only seven wonder we need. His splendor is beyond anything we can even think or imagine. He will spit on your eyes and make you see again. He has written a love letter to the world and His love for us can be found over and over in the pages of the bible. He will never have to say He is sorry for not being there for us for He is and always will be closer than a brother. Pictionary is His game for there isn’t anything to complicated or hard for Him that He hasn’t already given us a picture to live by. We no longer need to live in a world of candy land and be cluecless about where and who we belong to.
So church, let us arise, stop scrabbling, and be willing to risk it all to be the bride He paid for. Let us become the trump card God needs; connecting for a much higher purpose because this game of life needs hearts who will have a domino effect and will advoid the mouse traps that befall this world and begin to operate in the mighty power of God and who doesn’t care who’s president but has set their sights on making the world Godly again by dealing only in loving one another just as He loves us and bridging the gap to where peace, love, unity, and harmony can reign until the roar becomes the trumpet that will lead us all home.

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