Tuesday, January 10, 2017

God's Title

Do you have a title for God? Do you even think about giving God a title?
Or are you like me and have never really thought about it and are just flip it about your Christian walk not to mention if you get through the day without falling apart then it's a good day and your a good Christian.
Yep, that's me. I say I want to go deeper but I find myself just happy to get through the day. So when I come across a little devotional who gives my spirit a jolt with just a few words than I need to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell me and motivating me to go deeper as much as my heart wants to.
God Bless.
"Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing may be the best, first introduction for children to have their own time with God." — Dr. Tim Keller
God's Title: His Name is Lord by Sally Lloyd-Jones, from Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing When someone important is being introduced, the announcer usually says, “Mr. So-And-So — Founder of This Extra-Important Company!” or, “Miss Something Else — Nobel-Prize-Winning Inventor of This Brilliant Thing!”
Do you know how God likes to be introduced? His name is the Lord... Father to the fatherless, defender of widows. — Psalm 68:4-5 (NLT)
Our Almighty God, who sifted stars through His fingers, stands not with kings and princes, but with the weak, the powerless, the poor. Because the people no one else thinks are important have a special place in God’s heart. He hears their cries. He fights for them and defends them. And one night long ago, in Bethlehem, He stepped out of Heaven and became one of them.
Excerpted with permission from Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally-Lloyd Jones, copyright Zonderkidz.

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