Tuesday, January 3, 2017


    I have been thinking a lot about history; the circumstances and factors in which history is made. I can’t help wonder if the people who have “so called” made history knew thier actions would somehow be told over and over again throughout generations and if they did, would they still do the thing that gave them their claim to fame.
According to Wiikipedia, the definition of history is the study of the past as it is described in written documents. 
Hence making the bible the most reliable account of the in’s and the out’s of God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The bible records the most amazing life-changing events the universe has to offer. You can find the solution to any and all problems you have or may encounter. There is nothing like it. While it stands alone as being one of the all-time greatest piece of litature ever sold, we Christians find the bible to be more than just words written on thin pieces of paper but as a gift from a living God who has a lot to say about our hope, our future, and His promises to see us through anything thrown at us.
Yes, God has a story. A story unlike anything we’ve have ever read before or will read again. His story consists of His power, His presence, and His ability to create something good out of dust. His ability to create fish to swim the seas and living things to roam the earth is nothing short of majestic making His awesomeness unfathomable. 
His story talks about how He gave this earth a reason to spin around the sun on it’s axis without falling from space by just speaking to it. His story calls light into being, grass to grow, flowers to bloom, birds to sing, sea’s to part, and for time to stand still.
His story shows us everything we need to know about His mercy and love by just looking at a rainbow, in the very breath you breath, and how He will move heaven and earth to come find you when your lost and you can’t find your way out of the pit. He will walk with you through the fire, shut the mouth of lions, and will restore your heart and soul in ways beyond what you can think or imagine.
His story will cause you to fall on your knees as you feel His presece fill the emptiness life has bruised and battered you with and will make you want to walk on water. His pressence will cause you to get back up again ready to change the world because you’ve been given a clean heart and clean hands; a second chance of a rebirth that can and will shake those who are around you causing them to take notice and to cry out what must I do to become like you and you won’t hesitate in giving them the only thing they need, the living water. His presence will cause you to get ahold of His heart, take up His cause, and will take you through the valley of the shadow of death causing you to put your faith in something death can’t conquer no matter how hard it has tried.
His story shows you just what His power can do from the raising of the dead, to healing of the sick, causing eyes to see, ears to hear, and go as far as to make one tear a roof off just to get close to It. His power will cause miracles to become the norm. It will feed five thousand, calm the storms, move mountains, and destroy’s anything that tries to come against you.
His story will point you to the King of Kings and Lord of Lord giving you the freedom to dance in the streets while shouting for joy. You will find new songs to sing, a friend you’ve longed for, a helpmeet, someone who will fight for you, someone who has already died for you, who will guide you, remind you of who you are every chance He gets, and will never leave you, and is the soon coming king.
His story is indeed an amazing story one that makes anything else in history seem non-relavant and meaningless. History has nothing to compare to the story that was, that is, and still to come. His story is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. And no matter how you want to look at it, His story is all-consuming changing lives on a minute by minute basis and if you let it, it will be the rock of your foundation, the cornerstone to everything you hold dear causing you to live a life of faith where doubt and fear are afraid to tread. His story will cause you to cry out to the one true God and in return you will be known as friend, counted as a son or daughter of a King, a bride to be making you eligable to see Him in a cloud of glory, and to be by His side as He establishes His kingdom on earth all the while making history reigning forever more with the one who was born to a virgin but was destined to be King.

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