Wednesday, May 31, 2017


There is so much truth in the words written in this little devotional below.
The tongue can and is the most hurtful thing on the planet. When it is used to hurt people, lives will be forever changed.
I am a prime example of how the tongue works and how those words have affected my life. And I am forever changed.
I need healing from those words and a life changing attitude and i can honestly say, I am on my way for the first step has always been to acknowledge the hurt and give them over to God which seems to be the hardest thing to do but I take courage in the fact my God is bigger than any tongue on the planet.
God Bless.
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." - (Proverbs 12:18)
Solomon writes about the tongue, healthy and unhealthy speech. Whenever I am going through a difficult time, especially if it stems from my folly, I do not want nor need to hear that it's my fault. What I need is a listening ear and words of encouragement to get me through. I already know that I did wrong. Can you relate? We must endeavor to use our tongue to edify, bring healing instead of tear down and yield wounding. The tongue of the wise brings health, the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. There is no honor in being bitter and sharp tongued. Our words should bring healing all the time.
-Author Unknown

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Worry Is Sin

Worry, my second nature. And I hate it. Some will say, including myself,  it's just apart of life.
But according to my God, His word, and everything about Christian living, this doesn't seem to hold any truth to it.
Worry is not my friend and needs to be kicked to the curb. Not tomorrow but today.
Yes, this is easy for me to say and putting it into practice is a whole different thing. But thank God, He doesn't remember my sin once I confess it. I may need to put some work into over coming it by laying worry down at the communion table as much as I need to and standing on the word a lot more than I do now.
I know I can do it! I'm an overcomer and worry has no place within me and my life, ever.
God Bless.
"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" - (Matthew 6:27)
Jesus warns that we should not worry. Margaret Feinberg penned this quote, "worry is a subtle way of telling God that Hes fallen asleep at the wheel and that things arent under His authority, but ours". How dare we challenge God's control of the universe? Worry, anxiety, doubt, fear, and unbelief cause us to. Worry is a sin it's like a rocking chair that keeps us moving, but takes us nowhere. The recipe for overcoming worry: learn to trust God and all that He does and allows. We can't change or control anything. God is trustworthy He has a proven track record therefore we can trust Him and overcome worry.

-Author Unknown 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Doing Things God's Way

I can't be the only one who has a hard time dealing with things the way God wants you to deal with them.
I will admit it. I have a problem with control and I like to be the one doing it. My way of doing things are so much better, or at least I think so.
But thank God, I have matured enough where I now know God knows what He is doing. OKAY, 80% of the time I believe.
It's that 20% that can cause me all sorts of trouble and when I find something to encourage me I get extremely excited and grateful. Ready to toe the line now!
God Bless.
Doing Things God’s Way
by Joyce Meyer
I am the Way.… —John 14:6 Many people are hurting so badly, and they are crying out for help. The problem is, they are not willing to receive the help they need from God. No matter how much we may want or need help, we are never going to receive it until we are willing to do things God's way. In John 14:6, Jesus said, "I am the Way." What Jesus meant when He said, "I am the Way," is that He has a certain way of doing things; and if we will submit to His way, everything will work out for us.
But so often we wrestle and struggle with Him, trying to get Him to do things our way. It just won't work. How many times have people stood in front of me at the altar and told me all kinds of terrible things that are going on in their lives and how badly they are hurting yet they absolutely refuse to do what they are told to do to receive the help they need. Too often people are trying to find some other way to get help rather than by doing things God's way. The Bible plainly teaches that if we will learn and act on the Word, God will bless our lives. Let me give you an example.
The Bible teaches that we are to live in harmony and peace with others and to forgive those who have done us wrong. If we refuse to do that, what hope do we have of receiving what we need? I remember how difficult it was for me the first time the Lord told me I had to go to my husband and tell him I was sorry for being rebellious against him. I thought I would die on the spot! I realize that one reason we don't always do what we are told to do in the Word of God is because it is hard. If we don't do what we can do, then God won't do what we can't do. If we will do what we can do, God will do what we can’t do. It’s just that simple.
From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2006 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Safe And Secure

I love to learn to knew things. I just don't like the study that goes along with it. I'm great if someone will do that for me and if I can learn what others see from a subject than I am happy as a peach.
But I can't continue to be like this. I must learn things on my own and try to hear what God wants me to hear from what is being said and not taking what others learned as the gospel.
For what they might learn maybe just what they need but God wants me to learn something else from the same subject matter and this is the case.
I know what has been taught about the Shepard but I never really understood the depth of what a Shepard, not just a Shepard but a good Shepard is supposed to be like.
And for me this is a light bulb moment. So when I came across this little devotional, I knew I was on the right track and I wanted to share the devotional in hope it will speak to you as it did for me.
God Bless.
"And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand." - (John 10:28)
Jesus depicted as the Good Shepherd. The responsibilities of a shepherd include but are not limited to: Protecting Feeding And Watering Anointing Grooming Leading Sheering Delivering lambs Comforting And Nurturing The Good Shepherd Jesus fulfills all these responsibilities, to ensure that we are safe and secure as His sheep.
He begins by giving us eternal life so that we don't perish and as Isaiah 49:16 says, "See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands your walls are continually before me", therefore we are safe and secure with Jesus the Good Shepherd.
-Author Unknown

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Make Prayer A Priority

I think we all know by now where prayer falls on my priority the bottom of the barrel.
And the only way that is going to change is if I myself make the move to change its position.
And if I am being totally honest here, I don't see prayer moving up the totem pole until I make it a priority because if it's left up to my own devices, then yeah, every day prayer is going to slide further and further down until it is no longer in my thought life.
I struggle with prayer everyday but I believe I am an overcomer and this too shall be overcame.
God Bless
I've heard it said that the first 10 or 15 minutes of each day really determine how the rest of your day will go. And if you begin your day in prayer, acknowledging God as first in your life, you are making a wise choice. Too often, rather than putting Jesus Christ first in our lives, we allow many other thoughts and "things" to consume us. But Scripture reminds us that anything we love more, serve more, or worship more than Jesus Himself is idolatry, plain and simple! Jesus will not share His place of Lordship in our lives. So before you pray, before you start asking, make sure that you're practicing the principle of putting God first. I know life can be busy. I know obligations must be met. I'm just suggesting that before we tend to our responsibilities, we should devote ourselves to God in prayer. I need that, and so do you.
Each of us needs a set-aside, set-apart encounter with the living God at key moments throughout our day in order to navigate this thing called life. There can be no answered prayers until we're willing to spend time kneeling before God to receive what He delights and desires to give. Keeping our focus on God through prayer reaps great rewards. Are you making prayer a priority in your life? Do you give Jesus the first thoughts of your day?
Tomorrow, before your feet hit the floor, lift your heart up to God in adoration and praise, thanking Him for the light of a new day. Listen to prayer Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer.
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Gratitude. Something I have yet something I need more of.

I ain't going to lie. I'm the happiest and full of thanksgiving when things are going my way. It is when I see the situation going a different way that I throw a temper tantrum.

Yes, I would say gratitude is something I could use more of....

God Bless.


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits
- Psalm 103:2

How easily, in the muck and clamor and distractions of life, we seem to forget the Lord's many blessings to us. If we pray at all then our prayers are largely taken up with requests for family and friends and health and blessing. But how often do we pause to bless the Lord, to praise him for the many benefits he has given to us already?

Thousands of people struggle daily with discouragement and frustration, or at least with discontentment, even though they are surrounded by prosperity and property. Why is this? Why does there seem to be so little contentment in the midst of such enormous wealth? Perhaps it is because we have neglected to develop grateful hearts.

But we are here encouraged to develop the habit of gratefulness -- forget no all his benefits. Not a single blessing of God should be taken for granted. Not a single benefit should come to us without our carefully marking it as yet another unmerited favor from our heavenly Father.

It is also interesting that this admonition is an entirely inward one. The psalmist is actually speaking to himself, addressing his own soul. He is keeping a close check on his spirit and correcting trends that he sees there toward ingratitude, complaining, or dissatisfaction.

We ought, also, to stir ourselves up to habitual, genuine, God-centered gratitude; which will then lead us to habitual, genuine, God-centered praise.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Endure Hardness

No one likes going through tough times and the disasters it can bring.
And then there are others who seem to have it all. I am not one of those people. I am almost at the point of my life where I can laugh at just about anything this world throws at me.
I said almost. I am not there yet. There is a few things that can get under my skin and enduring seems to be the furthest thing from my mind.
Somehow, I manage to pick up the pieces and keep keeping on. This is why I am so thankful for little devotional' s like the following.
Encouragement overload ahead! 
God Bless.
Endure Hardness
by Gloria Copeland
“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” 2 Timothy 2:3 There are no “ifs” about it. Hard times are going to come in the life of every believer. There will be times when circumstances will seem dark, times when you face seemingly impossible obstacles, times when defeat seems inevitable. In 2 Timothy 2:3, the Apostle Paul didn’t tell Timothy, “If hard times come, endure them.” He simply said, “Endure hardness.” Some Christians become confused when those times come.
“What’s happening here?” they cry. “I thought Jesus redeemed me from the curse!” He did, but you can rest assured, Satan will challenge that redemption. He will try his best to steal it from you by pulling you off your walk of faith. Jesus warned us about that in the parable of the sower in Mark 4:14-17. He said, “Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts....” Satan will not sit idly by while you sail through life, effortlessly believing the Word of God. He’ll pressure you with hard times. He’ll attack you with sickness or lack, then he’ll lie to you and tell you that God doesn’t care. He’ll try to convince you that God is not going to answer your prayer this time. He’ll attempt to talk you into believing there’s no way out and that you will end up a miserable failure. When those hard times come, don’t cave in to pressure. Don’t give up. Stand on the Word and endure hardness like a good soldier until victory comes. Speak the Word “I endure hard times as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. I stand firm for God has given me the victory.” —2 Timothy 2:3
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Pray For Others

When I see the title of this little devotional all I can do is think, yeah okay, and get out my best defense book where all the wrongs are written down and relay them back to God and the air with two shakes of attitude to go with it.
Praying for others has to be the hardest things to do. I don't care if you like them or you don't. I don't care if they've done something to you or not.
Why? We are all selfish and if I am going to do some praying I want to make sure I get my needs and stuff in there. And to be totally honest, if people wanted their life changed, well then they need to fall on their knees themselves and do what I do.
But thank God, my relationship is a little more mature than the selfish stage and I am willing and I see the need to grab a hold of God's heart which has never changed.
His heart is for people and if I call Him my Savior,  well it's about time I fall into line and start praying for you, and you, and even that neighbor down the road.
God Bless.
Perhaps one of the greatest ways to experience the power of prayer is through intercession - praying for others. Intercession is the graduate level of prayer.
The Bible names several specific groups of people for whom we are to pray. Those in public leadership. This includes the President and Congress, our national leaders, our state and local government leaders, police officers, teachers, and others in authority. Whether or not we agree with their policies and opinions, we are to pray for them - that they would come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Our spiritual leaders. The devil aims his biggest guns at God's leaders, and today, many are discouraged, hurting, and even falling into sin. God's people need to pray for God's leaders.
I ask you from the depths of my heart to pray for the pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders in America and throughout the world. The lost. Are you praying for those in your life who do not know Jesus? Prayer is the means by which we help point others to faith in Christ. You and I know people who have yet to receive God's gift of grace, and the first step we ought to take is to commit the matter to prayer. Only God, by His Spirit, can reach a neighbor, rescue a prodigal child, and turn a wayward heart toward Him. Our country. We need to cry out to God and pray for our country. And if you love this country you will pray for God to revive His Church. Pray that God would renew our families and our communities. We need to pray for our fellow citizens and our neighbors, and turn our prayers to action.
Psalm 33:2 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." Let us join in prayer that our nation will return to its roots of honoring God. Today, devote your prayers to intercessory prayer. Listen to prayer Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer.
-Author Unknown

Friday, May 19, 2017

Pray Boldly

I am a quite prayer and one who hopes their prayers get above the ceiling.
I can honestly say boldly isn't in my vocabulary unless you touch my child and a roaring lion seems to come out of nowhere.
However, in the times we live in, I see the need for bold prayers. We are going to hell in a handbasket and it's time for the prayer warriors to arise and take back what belongs to us...which is everything!
Always remember to never leave home without being your bold self!
God Bless.
I believe that we have become too complacent in our prayers. We pray too many safe, vague, and repetitive prayers. When we don't understand the purpose and the value of prayer, our natural tendency is to be lazy, praying things such as, "God, bless my friends, and bless my family. Amen."
But general prayers solicit general answers, and we rarely see God moving in the generalities of our lives. Pray in such a way that when God answers your prayer, you know without question what He said! Praying with boldness is a not a "Now I lay me down to sleep" kind of praying. It is not "God bless our food" kind of praying! Bold praying is militant praying, mighty praying in the name of Jesus! Bold prayer is the mountain-moving means by which we connect with the will of Almighty God. If you've never been personal and precise with God, I encourage you to abandon "safe" prayers and take a risk for once. He already knows what we need. He knows the desires of our hearts.
And He loves for us to shoot straight with Him, as sons and daughters to a loving Father above. In my experience, God does business with those who mean business with Him. So away with half-hearted, heartless prayer! May we pray shamelessly and with great passion. It costs blood, sweat, and tears to pray boldly, to bruise your knuckles, asking, seeking, and knocking. But it's worth it because when we pray, God moves! I know this: the only prayer that God does not answer is the prayer that you don't ask! Envision yourself approaching Jesus with your prayers today.
He is our High Priest who welcomes you into His presence and receives your requests. What is on your heart today?
-Author Unknown

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Overcoming The Bungadeeshu Rash

It's a strange title for sure but the message in this little devotional is powerful and is meant to equip you and take your faith to the next level.
It is my hope that you will find just that. It is no crime or shame to need a little boost  from time to time for living this Christian walk is hard and encouragement can be your best friend.
So find encouragement my friend in the words below and never stop believing.
God Bless.
Overcoming the Bungadeeshu Rash
by Kenneth Copeland “And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that, what he [God] had promised, he was able also to perform.” Romans 4:19-21
Over and over, beginners in faith have come to me and said, “Brother Copeland, I know it’s right to walk by faith, and I’ve made a decision to believe the Word. But every time I take a step, all hell breaks loose. “I start believing God for healing and I break out in the Bungadeeshu rash. I get healed of that and my eyes cross! I believe for prosperity, get my car paid off and the engine blows up. Then the washing machine breaks and I lose my job. It seems like I get over one wall only to hit the mountain behind it!”
No, it doesn’t seem like that. It is like that! When you’re just taking off on a life of faith, you’ll have more problems and less spiritual skill than you will a few years down the road. And because you’re just getting started, obstacles that one day won’t be any threat at all can send you sprawling. How do you get through all these things and keep going?
How do you “keep the power on” in your faith walk? You consider the right things. You change the focus of your attention. Abraham considered not his own body in believing for a son. You must not consider the things in this natural world that appear to contradict the Word of God. You can’t consider your circumstances. What you must consider is Jesus. What does considering Jesus really mean? To consider Jesus, you must consider His Word. The Holy Spirit will paint an accurate picture of Jesus in your heart as you study the Word.
The second way to consider Jesus is to act on Hebrews 3 and consider Jesus as the Apostle—the “Sent One.” Believe that He is sent to you to give you life continually. Consider Jesus the High Priest of our profession. He continually watches over your words and actions of faith to see to it that they come to pass. Consider Jesus to be faithful. Be confident He will do what He has said. God is upholding all things by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). If you want to be upheld, get over on His Word. It will see you through to victory. It will give you power to consider Jesus...and the strength to consider not those things which surround you. So keep the power coming—keep considering Jesus—and eventually you’ll never have to be bothered by the likes of the Bungadeeshu rash! Speak the Word “I am not weak in faith, considering my own body. I consider Jesus. I believe the promise of God.” —Romans 4:19-21
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Work Brings Profit

My husband works very hard for his family. Me, not so much anymore. I have a lot of physical issues I have to deal with everyday so having a regular job is hard for me.
However, I do know the power and have witness the power and results hard work can do.
But I've come to realize that even though I can't physically work like my husband i still have a job to do and this little devotional helps but it all in perspective. Which I am so grateful for.
God Bless.

Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty! (NLT) -Proverbs 14:23 Have you ever found yourself talking up a storm about something you plan on doing, but before you know it, time has passed you by and you've lost your opportunity?
Or perhaps you've been talking about changing jobs for a long time, but made little effort towards it. Take this moment to do what you've been putting off. Are obstacles in your way? Get creative and don't let them stop you. If you are waiting for a sign, here it is!
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Planted In God's Garden

I hate gardening. Or maybe it's the fact I don't have a green thumb. The only thing I can grow is weeds, lots of them.
So I really don't even like to read or have anything to do with gardening because it leads me to feel bummed about myself.  
Yet with this little devotional, I get a new perspective on what it means to have a garden.
I guess when you see things through God's eyes, things become more real and revelation seams to be the norm.
My hope by sharing this little devotional is you may find something that clicks; but not only that, you will see being planted in God's garden is where we all need to be.
God Bless.
Planted in God’s Garden
Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:4-15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. - Genesis 2:15
I notice the subject of gardening sprouting up everywhere. The cultivation and care for living, growing things is grounded deeply in the soul of who we are as created beings in God’s garden. In the beginning God planted us human beings in his perfect garden. Previous verses from the creation story make clear that God is the original gardener. He created the vegetation—seed-bearing plants, trees that have fruit with seeds, shrubs, and all kinds of trees.
From the beginning, God intended this first garden to produce food for all kinds of creatures and humankind year after year. Genesis 2:15 shows that God planted people in that first garden “to work it and take care of it.” This suits us because we are from God—created in his image to be like him—and we are also from the ground. We might even say that gardening—working and caring for growing things—is in our bones.
Cultivating the gifts of God for the glory of God is what we are meant for. Gardening involves cultivating, planting, watering, pruning, protecting, harvesting, and much more. When we are drawn to the world of soil, plants, and trees, it is no coincidence. We’re designed to care for the earth, other creatures, and each other. Cultivation is rooted in our beginning and continual thriving in God’s garden. Prayer: Lord, thank you for this vision of the garden you planted in paradise for us to work and care for with you. Recreate us in Christ back to your purpose for our lives. Amen.d
Don Byker

Monday, May 15, 2017

God's Grace In Finances

The wisdom in this little devotional about finances is extremely insightful. I am always in the market on ways to better my life and the situations I have to deal with and finances is a huge part of my life.

Anyway to make things better for me in this area, I am all for. And the advice/wisdom in the word's written below is something I can get a hold onto and live out their very word's.

God Bless

God’s Grace in Finances
Jesus endured our poverty that we might share His abundance.
There are three basic principles that govern the operation of God’s grace. First, grace can never be earned; conversely, anything that can be earned is not grace:
And if by grace, then it is no longer of works [what we earn]; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. (Romans 11:6)
This principle excludes most “religious” people from the grace of God, because they think they can earn it.
Second, there is only one channel of grace. “For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). Any form of grace that comes to us comes solely through Jesus Christ.
Third, there is only one means by which we can appropriate God’s grace, and that is faith. This truth is summed up in three successive phrases in Ephesians 2:8–9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith,...not of works [what we earn].”
Few Christians realize that this principle applies just as much in the realm of financial and material provision as it does in any other area of our lives. Scripture warns us specifically against irresponsibility (Proverbs 10:4), laziness (Proverbs 24:30–34), and dishonesty (Ephesians 4:28). As long as we are guilty of any of these sinful behaviors, we have no right to expect God’s grace to work in the financial aspect of our lives. Therefore, as Christians, we are obligated to be honest, hard working, and responsible.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your work on the cross. I proclaim that on the cross, Jesus took my poverty and released God’s grace to me in the realm of financial and material provision because Jesus endured my poverty that I might share His abundance. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Enjoy The Fight

When I was little, every Saturday night my dad forced us to watch the fights and the guy would get in the ring and wonder if everyone was ready to rumble.
I was not, I assure you but hey, the guy was cute, and he made it worth watching setting through two people beating the crap out of each other for no seeming purpose other than to see who would be the last man standing.
Fast forward to me now as an adult and I find myself the one who is fighting to be the last person standing almost daily.  There seems to be something nipping at my heels at all time and I find adulthood way overrated.
So when I came across this little devotional and a battle plan for dealing with life and it's enemies who seem out to destroy anything and everything in my life, I got excited and hopeful.
I now know it's going to be okay and I have a battle plan in place. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where my Savior is waiting and cheering me on.
Life and it's enemies can be beaten and it's my aim to come out swinging. May you find your fight is for not as well and move on over to the wild side and let's get ready to rumble.
God Bless.
Enjoys the Fight!
by Gloria Copeland “For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:47 I’ve seen it happen more times than I can count. Someone hears the faith message. They find out that if they’ll base their prayers on the Word, they can have anything they ask from God. They read Mark 11:24 where Jesus said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them,” and they’re quick to obey.
They pray, believe that they receive, shout the victory...and then the devil comes and knocks them flat on their backs. Why? Because they weren’t properly prepared to defend themselves against his attacks. The moment you take a faith stand, he gets more aggressive than ever. But don’t let that bother you. You can whip him every time if you’ll use these four steps to defeat Satan’s attack. 1. Make the decision. It takes a decision of your will to take a faith stand. The dictionary defines will as “strong purpose, intention or determination.”
When you go to the Lord in prayer and believe you receive, you must have a strong purpose and determination not to waver until your answer comes. You must make an irrevocable decision to continue in your confession of faith—no matter what. 2. Resist the devil. When he comes at you with images of failure or lack or sickness—rebuke those images instantly in the Name of Jesus. Then jerk your mind back to the Word of God and begin to say the scriptures out loud that apply to your situations. 3. Attend to the Word. Spend time in the Word of God every day. I know it sounds simple. Yet this is where so many believers miss it. 4. Speak faith only. The devil can’t do anything to you if you won’t open the door to him with your words. Satan doesn’t have any authority over you. Jesus Christ is your Lord. Satan can’t rob you unless you authorize that robbery yourself! Satan comes to get your words! That’s how he gets a foothold.
That’s the four-point victory plan. If you follow it, it will work for you every time. I like what Ken says, “A good fight is the one you win.” So go ahead, enjoy the fight—the victory is already won! Speak the Word “I fight the good fight of faith. It’s a good fight because Jesus has already won it for me.” —1 Timothy 6:12
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

God Is Not Mad At You

The very title should not only be preached in every church across the world but shouted from the mountain tops!
God is not mad at us! We should be doing a happy dance and joy should radiate from every fiber of our being.
This is what the good news is all about. We need to spread to the highways and the byways and allowing the Holy Spirit to move.
I believe a fire would breakout if people realized God is not mad at them and there is a reason for hope to live for another day.
May the fire we seek starts today and never burns out until the end of the ages.
God Bless.
God Is Not Mad at You!
by Kenneth Copeland “In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer. For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.

For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.” Isaiah 54:8-10 I have six simple words for you today. Six words that run contrary to religion, rumor and popular belief. Six words of good news...God is not mad at you! I remember the first time I found that out. I was shocked. I hadn’t been saved very long, and I had heard all my life about the terrible things God would do to you. He would make you sick and keep you poor. He would bring you crises to make you strong.

Not only would He do those bad things to you, but also it was all right for Him to do them because He was God. I don’t remember anyone ever saying those exact words to me, but, as a child, that’s what I heard. Then one day I was reading the Bible and I came across Isaiah 54. It literally changed my thinking. God is not mad at us! Now that’s earthshaking good news, yet religion hasn’t given it much publicity. That’s such good news that some people have a hard time believing it. They start thinking of all the sin they’ve allowed into their lives, all the wrongs they’ve done. “There’s no way God is going to overlook all that!” they say. “Surely He’s going to do something about it.” He already did. He sent Jesus to the cross. Read Isaiah 52. All of us have seen paintings of the Crucifixion. But none of them come close to the horror of what happened to Jesus that day. When He took the sins and sicknesses of mankind into Himself, His body became so marred, He didn’t even look like a human being.
Yet it was this very event that bought us our covenant of peace and freed us forever from the wrath of God. Isaiah 53:10-11 tells us that God is satisfied! The sacrifice of Jesus’ death on the cross was enough to pay for your sins and mine. Sin has no authority over you. As far as God is concerned, it’s all over. All that is left to be done on this earth is the preaching and praising and the accepting of what He has done. So study it out. Read Isaiah 52, 53 and 54. And let that good news sink into you. Let it renew your mind. God isn’t mad at you! He loves you! Just the way you are right where you are! Speak the Word “The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but God’s mercy and kindness do not depart from me. Neither is the covenant of His peace removed from me.” —Isaiah 54:10
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Yet God Has Made Everything Beautiful

I am not patient and I am hardly observant. So there are times I miss things God really wants me to see.

It's one of my downfalls and I know I need to work on it but I never do. Yep, God help me. In my heart I want to do better and maybe, just maybe, someday I will, and I know I can with God's help, get it together.

It is my hope and prayer that I am the only one who has this problem but just in case, I wanted to share this little devotional with you so you can see there is hope and condemnation has to go.

God Bless.

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time.

He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 3:11

Do you recognize God's timing when it happens? It's a beautiful thing to recognize His hand weaving events and people together in time. If you aren't looking for it, you can miss it easily. Such as who you are with when you get bad news, moving to a new place and connecting with family, or the last moments spent with a loved one that brings healing. This is the timing of God, planted with love, yet never fully seen in it's entirety. Do you recognize any of God's timing in your life lately?
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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Gaining Perspective Through Prayer

I have an understanding of football, well all sports in fact, thanks to my day and when I came across this little devotional and how it uses football to help me with my little problem area...prayer. I totally could get behind in what was being said.
And I enjoyed it so much that I thought I would share. You don't need to be a football expert to understand prayer and how useful it is.
God Bless.
If you have ever played in a football game, you know that when you're down on the field, you can't see all of the plays developing. Your view is limited to what is happening immediately around you. On the other hand, if you're an offensive coordinator for a football team, you are able to go up to the press box and look down on the entire field. From this vantage point you can clearly see what the defense and offense are doing. In the same way, sometimes we're too close to our own problems; we're right in the middle, and we can't see what is happening.
We need a clearer vision, a new perspective. And so what do we need to do? We need to get up higher! We need to get lifted up into the presence of the Lord and gain a new perspective in finding God's will and His wisdom in our lives. God desires to reveal His perspective and impart His wisdom to us. James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." When we yield our lives to God, and pray to our Heavenly Father we gain proper perspective. Prayer is the key to maintaining a godly perspective. And with this correct perspective of God's will for our lives we can place our confidence in the One "who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us." (Ephesians 3:20).
Prayerfully consider the problem that is most troubling in your life today. As you lift it up in prayer to the Lord, ask for His help in viewing the situation from His perspective - as an all-knowing, powerful, omnipresent God
-Author Unknown

Monday, May 8, 2017

He's Waiting On You

I don't know about you but I don't think I have really gave much thought that God is  waiting on me.
I always seem to think I should wait on God to do something and then I get upset when He doesn't.
Deep down I know the work is done and there is nothing else needs to happen for God to move but yet, my thought life through years of teaching has caused me to think of it all wrong.
I need a new thought process and what better way than by living out the words of this little devotional, for it holds all kinds of secrets to a happy life and it starts with me.
God Bless.
He’s Waiting on You
by Gloria Copeland
“The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 “I’m just waiting on God...waiting on Him to prosper me...waiting on Him to heal me...waiting on Him to deliver me.” Have you ever heard anyone make statements like that? They sound good, don’t they? They sound very spiritual. But the truth is, the people who make those kinds of statements don’t know much about God. I know they don’t because the Bible clearly teaches that when it comes to the blessings of God—we’re not waiting on Him. He is waiting on us! What is He waiting on? Obedience. You know, the world tries to convince us it’s more exciting to sin than to obey God.
But Jesus proved that it’s not. He lived the most exciting life in history. Obeying God isn’t going to doom you to a life of boredom. Obeying God isn’t going to cheat you out of the good things in life. No! Obedience will lead you into the most thrilling life of victory and blessing you could ever imagine. How do you fulfill that kind of obedience? One day at a time. You don’t sit around for years waiting for God to tell you to go to Africa as a missionary. You learn to do the little things He tells you to do. You learn to follow His directions on a daily basis—just going about your day doing what pleases Him. God primarily provides those directions through His written Word, by the inward witness and by the voice of His Spirit. Many believers get very excited about the voice of God.
They’re eager for Him to tell them what to do about various situations in their lives. But they don’t want to take time to study the written Word or be quiet enough to listen to the inward witness—which is the voice of their own spirit enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus, who was more sensitive to the voice of God than any man had ever been, studied the written Word. In fact, He was so skilled in it that at the age of 12, the Jewish teachers in the temple “were astonished at his understanding and answers” (Luke 2:47). If you’ll simply believe the written Word, you’ll find it much easier to follow the inward witness of the voice of the Spirit. The written Word will retrain your mind to think like God thinks so that you recognize His directions. When He speaks, you’ll know it’s Him because what you are hearing is right in line with His written Word. And then you can walk in obedience with nothing to hinder your receiving what you need. Remember, you’re not waiting on God. He’s waiting on you! Speak the Word “I obey God and keep my heart perfect toward Him. The Lord shows Himself strong in my behalf.” —2 Chronicles 16:9
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Sooner Than We Think

After reading this little devotional and knowing it's the cry of my heart, all I can say is:
Lord, let it be so!!!
God Bless.
Sooner Than We Think
by Gloria Copeland
“Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Matthew 24:36 Some time back, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to Ken and said, I am coming sooner than you think. “But, Lord,” Ken exclaimed, “I think You are coming soon!” Well, I am coming sooner than you think! He answered. There are many people on the earth today who don’t believe that.
Just as the scripture prophesies, they scoff: “Walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation” (2 Peter 3:3-4). But those people are mistaken. Jesus is coming back. There’s a day and an hour appointed for His return. We know that’s true because Jesus spoke of it in Matthew 24:36.
At that appointed time, He will catch away those of us who are prepared for His coming and take us to heaven with Him to celebrate for seven years. Then He’ll bring us back with Him when He comes to reign over the earth. My, what a day that will be! It’s coming. There’s no doubt about it. The only question is, Will you be ready? If you’re not ready, the thought of the Lord’s return may not excite you like it does me. It may even fill you with dread and anxiety. If so, you need to make some changes. First, you need to be born again by making Jesus the Lord of your life. Then you need to focus your attention and your affection on the things of God instead of the things of this world (Colossians 3:2).
After all, this world is not our home. It’s not our final destination. We’re just sojourning here, looking forward to the time when we’re in the glory and at home with the Lord. We need to constantly remember that, so we don’t get entangled in this world’s affairs. We need to constantly look toward heaven so when the time comes to depart, we’ll be ready. So get your thinking right. Set your heart on things that are above. Look forward to His coming. Look forward to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It really will happen, sooner than we think! Speak the Word “I will be ready when Jesus comes. Therefore, I set my affection on things above, not on things of the earth.” —Colossians 3:2
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Unchangeable Word Of God

I know without a shadow of a doubt the word of God is the key to all things and problems.
There isn't anything to big or to hard for the word of God to handle.
And if you need a reminder, and we all do, this little devotional will help set us back on course and help bring to life the truth about the word of God.
May we never take it for granted and keep it close to our hearts but more importantly, may we live our lives by the words written on each and every page.
God Bless.
The Unchangeable Word of God
by Kenneth Copeland
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Genesis 1:1-3 God is all-powerful, therefore His Word is all-powerful. He can and does back up everything He says. Since He is Creator, His words contain the power to create.
You can see that truth borne out in the very first three verses of the Bible. You’ll notice in those verses that the Spirit of God was moving before God spoke, but nothing happened until God said. Creation did not take place until God released words of faith. Everything in this material creation, everything you can see, touch, taste or smell came into existence as a result of the Word of God. That means God’s Word is the parent substance of all matter.
Think of it! The paper this devotional is made of came from a tree that can be traced from tree to seed to tree to seed, all the way back to God’s Word, “Let there be....” In light of that fact, do you think His Word still has the power to change this natural, physical world? Do you think the Word that created the dirt your physical body was made from has enough power to heal that body? Do you think the Word that brought into being all the silver and gold, all the wealth of this entire earth, has enough power to supply you with the resources to pay your electric bill? Of course! God’s Word is eternal.
It is sovereign. It cannot be changed. (People try to change it by saying it doesn’t really mean what it says. But, thank God, it does mean what it says and there’s nothing that can alter that fact.) Psalm 119:89 says, “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” This material universe, on the other hand, is temporal. It can and does change. If you take something that is unchangeable and use it to apply pressure to something that is changeable, it’s obvious which one of them will yield. The changeable one! Therefore, whenever you take the Word of God and apply it in faith to this temporal realm, that realm must give in and conform to the Word.
Jesus understood this truth. He lived His life by it. He had such faith in God’s Word that when He spoke it, this material creation bowed its knee and obeyed Him. Demons fled. Diseases disappeared. Death gave up its grip. Bread multiplied. Winds stopped blowing. Waves ceased. In fact, by the power of God’s Word, Jesus was able to live and minister on this death-bound planet, and yet be completely free from all its bondages. And you can too! You can speak the Word in faith to disease and it will leave. You can speak to your electric bill and it will be paid. You can speak to any circumstance, and know that the Word spoken and acted on in faith will release His power and change the changeable...all because you are standing on the unchangeable Word of God. Speak the Word “God’s Word is forever settled in heaven. It will never change.” —Psalm 119:89
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Get Aggressive

I love being a cheerleader and cheering on my team and I love it when they are aggressive and want to play to win.
Not only that but you can tell by just their attitude and body language if they want to play and are going to put forth the effort.
Yet knowing all that I know about what it takes to win, I never thought if I was being aggressive in my relationship with God or spreading the gospel.
And after reading this little devotional, I now know I have be lazy. I have put aside what God wanted me to do for the pleasure of a television or a book.
Lord forgive me and thank you for never giving up on me. Lord help me to become aggressive in the things that please You. May my heart become Your heart.
God Bless.
Get Aggressive!
by Gloria Copeland
“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19, The Amplified Bible God has always promised that if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. Understand though, that being willing means more than just saying, “Well, Lord, if You want me to prosper, I’ll prosper.”
Being willing means that you apply the force of your will and determine to receive by faith what God has promised, no matter how impossible the circumstances may seem to be. That’s what Ken and I had to do. When we saw in God’s Word that prosperity belonged to us, we were so deep in debt it looked like we would never get out. But we applied our will anyway. We became willing. We said, “We will prosper in the Name of Jesus, and we resist the curse of poverty. God says He has provided abundance so abundance belongs to us. We receive it now!” That’s the kind of aggressive stand you need to establish God’s prosperity in your life. I didn’t understand that for years so, without realizing it, I allowed the devil to come in and give me a hard time over finances.
Then one day God revealed to me that I needed to use the same kind of stand for finances as for healing. I had learned early on to be aggressive about healing. Once Ken and I found out that Jesus bore our sickness, we refused to put up with it anymore. We absolutely wouldn’t tolerate it. We considered sickness an enemy and when it would try to come into our house, we’d stand against it. We’d tell it, “No! You get out of here. I’ve been redeemed from the curse of the Law and that includes every sickness and disease. So get out!” One day God said to me, Why don’t you treat lack the same way? Why do you put up with it? You say you’ve been redeemed from it, but you haven’t resisted it like you do sickness and disease. When I heard that, I determined to make a change. I began to actively, aggressively resist lack with the same tenacity I resisted sickness and disease.
And I can tell you, it made a big difference in my life. I must warn you though, it wasn’t easy. It takes effort and perseverance in the Word of God to develop that kind of resistance. If you are believing for divine prosperity, you’ll need to keep a constant dose of the Word of God in your heart. You’ll need to meditate on what God says about it all the time. You’ll need to refuse and resist the curse of lack and poverty. You’ll need to get aggressive! Speak the Word “I am willing and obedient. I always eat the good of the land.” —Isaiah 1:19
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Opportunity To Bless Others

I am finding out the benefit of helping others. I can actually say I am living this out. Granted, not everyday but several times a month.
Recently, we paid for dinner for people eating at Bob Evans and China Buffet and we were greeted with a years and a whole lot of thank you's.
So we beefed up our territory and took it to the grocery stores where we find ourselves paying for other people's groceries with pretty much the same results. But not only that, we have began to look for other opportunities to bless people.
It has turned into a family affair and we trade stories on how well our blessings are received by the people we are trying to bless. Not only that, but it's an opened door to allow the Holy Spirit to come into a person's life or situation without saying a word but by using what everyone has...your smile. It's life changing.
God Bless.
I believe the most important lesson I've ever learned regarding prayer is that it is far better to be an answer to prayer than to get an answer to prayer. Why? Because God wants to answer prayers through us, according to His power at work within us. When you start praying for others you allow yourself to be a channel of blessing. God has blessed us that we would be a blessing to others. Luke 12:48 reminds us that, "To whom much is given, much is required." The Bible is filled with examples of God's using willing servants to convey His blessings to others.
Remember Moses? Out there in the desert, he was praying for the children of Israel as the Israelites were praying in Egypt. And God came to Moses in that burning bush and said, "I have heard their cry." Then God told Moses that he was going to be used by Him to answer the Israelites' prayers. While it is wonderful to pray, "Lord, help that missionary," at some point God's response may be, "Now I want you to go and share the Good News!" If you're praying, "Lord, save that lost person," listen carefully because God may put your feet to your prayers and say, "You go and tell your friend about Me."
Are you willing to be an answer to prayer? As you begin your day, ask God to show you a specific way in which you can bless someone today. Keep the eyes of your heart open for opportunities God will place on your heart. Listen to prayer Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer.
-Author Unknown

Monday, May 1, 2017

Call To Worship

There is nothing better than a good worship song. A song that get's deep down in your soul and your still singing it for day's to come.

Love it! And I love the hope and joy that comes from worship. I also can appreciate a good devotional that helps put it all into perspective, don't you?

It's my hope that you will.

God Bless.

Call to Worship

Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth
- Isaiah 42:10a

Two things about this call to worship: first, it demands "a new song" to the Lord; second, it demands his praise "from the end of the earth."

Many Christians have grown up in Christian homes, gone to Christian churches, heard Christian sermons, and maybe even attended Christian schools. As a result, our familiarity with the subject of Christ can easily lead us to old-hat, absent-minded, parrot-like expressions of worship and prayer. This simply will not do.

We are commanded to bring to the Lord "a new song." This new song may be an old hymn newly discovered, or familiar words freshly considered, or new meditations leading to new exaltations. But we must come to worship with a sincere, searching, deeply felt song of praise.

On the other hand, there are some who have never heard of Jesus, or who have never considered His claims, or who have rarely and barely been exposed to the Word of God. If this is you, you may not even know what God expects of you. 

If this is you, then know this from God's Word: your Creator expects worship. He demands praise from every corner and every object of his creation. None are excepted.

No matter who you are, then, or where you are -- come to God with reverential fear and with fresh zeal, and praise him as he deserves to be praised.