Thursday, May 25, 2017

Make Prayer A Priority

I think we all know by now where prayer falls on my priority the bottom of the barrel.
And the only way that is going to change is if I myself make the move to change its position.
And if I am being totally honest here, I don't see prayer moving up the totem pole until I make it a priority because if it's left up to my own devices, then yeah, every day prayer is going to slide further and further down until it is no longer in my thought life.
I struggle with prayer everyday but I believe I am an overcomer and this too shall be overcame.
God Bless
I've heard it said that the first 10 or 15 minutes of each day really determine how the rest of your day will go. And if you begin your day in prayer, acknowledging God as first in your life, you are making a wise choice. Too often, rather than putting Jesus Christ first in our lives, we allow many other thoughts and "things" to consume us. But Scripture reminds us that anything we love more, serve more, or worship more than Jesus Himself is idolatry, plain and simple! Jesus will not share His place of Lordship in our lives. So before you pray, before you start asking, make sure that you're practicing the principle of putting God first. I know life can be busy. I know obligations must be met. I'm just suggesting that before we tend to our responsibilities, we should devote ourselves to God in prayer. I need that, and so do you.
Each of us needs a set-aside, set-apart encounter with the living God at key moments throughout our day in order to navigate this thing called life. There can be no answered prayers until we're willing to spend time kneeling before God to receive what He delights and desires to give. Keeping our focus on God through prayer reaps great rewards. Are you making prayer a priority in your life? Do you give Jesus the first thoughts of your day?
Tomorrow, before your feet hit the floor, lift your heart up to God in adoration and praise, thanking Him for the light of a new day. Listen to prayer Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer.
-Author Unknown

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