Friday, May 19, 2017

Pray Boldly

I am a quite prayer and one who hopes their prayers get above the ceiling.
I can honestly say boldly isn't in my vocabulary unless you touch my child and a roaring lion seems to come out of nowhere.
However, in the times we live in, I see the need for bold prayers. We are going to hell in a handbasket and it's time for the prayer warriors to arise and take back what belongs to us...which is everything!
Always remember to never leave home without being your bold self!
God Bless.
I believe that we have become too complacent in our prayers. We pray too many safe, vague, and repetitive prayers. When we don't understand the purpose and the value of prayer, our natural tendency is to be lazy, praying things such as, "God, bless my friends, and bless my family. Amen."
But general prayers solicit general answers, and we rarely see God moving in the generalities of our lives. Pray in such a way that when God answers your prayer, you know without question what He said! Praying with boldness is a not a "Now I lay me down to sleep" kind of praying. It is not "God bless our food" kind of praying! Bold praying is militant praying, mighty praying in the name of Jesus! Bold prayer is the mountain-moving means by which we connect with the will of Almighty God. If you've never been personal and precise with God, I encourage you to abandon "safe" prayers and take a risk for once. He already knows what we need. He knows the desires of our hearts.
And He loves for us to shoot straight with Him, as sons and daughters to a loving Father above. In my experience, God does business with those who mean business with Him. So away with half-hearted, heartless prayer! May we pray shamelessly and with great passion. It costs blood, sweat, and tears to pray boldly, to bruise your knuckles, asking, seeking, and knocking. But it's worth it because when we pray, God moves! I know this: the only prayer that God does not answer is the prayer that you don't ask! Envision yourself approaching Jesus with your prayers today.
He is our High Priest who welcomes you into His presence and receives your requests. What is on your heart today?
-Author Unknown

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