Friday, May 12, 2017

Enjoy The Fight

When I was little, every Saturday night my dad forced us to watch the fights and the guy would get in the ring and wonder if everyone was ready to rumble.
I was not, I assure you but hey, the guy was cute, and he made it worth watching setting through two people beating the crap out of each other for no seeming purpose other than to see who would be the last man standing.
Fast forward to me now as an adult and I find myself the one who is fighting to be the last person standing almost daily.  There seems to be something nipping at my heels at all time and I find adulthood way overrated.
So when I came across this little devotional and a battle plan for dealing with life and it's enemies who seem out to destroy anything and everything in my life, I got excited and hopeful.
I now know it's going to be okay and I have a battle plan in place. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where my Savior is waiting and cheering me on.
Life and it's enemies can be beaten and it's my aim to come out swinging. May you find your fight is for not as well and move on over to the wild side and let's get ready to rumble.
God Bless.
Enjoys the Fight!
by Gloria Copeland “For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:47 I’ve seen it happen more times than I can count. Someone hears the faith message. They find out that if they’ll base their prayers on the Word, they can have anything they ask from God. They read Mark 11:24 where Jesus said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them,” and they’re quick to obey.
They pray, believe that they receive, shout the victory...and then the devil comes and knocks them flat on their backs. Why? Because they weren’t properly prepared to defend themselves against his attacks. The moment you take a faith stand, he gets more aggressive than ever. But don’t let that bother you. You can whip him every time if you’ll use these four steps to defeat Satan’s attack. 1. Make the decision. It takes a decision of your will to take a faith stand. The dictionary defines will as “strong purpose, intention or determination.”
When you go to the Lord in prayer and believe you receive, you must have a strong purpose and determination not to waver until your answer comes. You must make an irrevocable decision to continue in your confession of faith—no matter what. 2. Resist the devil. When he comes at you with images of failure or lack or sickness—rebuke those images instantly in the Name of Jesus. Then jerk your mind back to the Word of God and begin to say the scriptures out loud that apply to your situations. 3. Attend to the Word. Spend time in the Word of God every day. I know it sounds simple. Yet this is where so many believers miss it. 4. Speak faith only. The devil can’t do anything to you if you won’t open the door to him with your words. Satan doesn’t have any authority over you. Jesus Christ is your Lord. Satan can’t rob you unless you authorize that robbery yourself! Satan comes to get your words! That’s how he gets a foothold.
That’s the four-point victory plan. If you follow it, it will work for you every time. I like what Ken says, “A good fight is the one you win.” So go ahead, enjoy the fight—the victory is already won! Speak the Word “I fight the good fight of faith. It’s a good fight because Jesus has already won it for me.” —1 Timothy 6:12
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