Friday, May 26, 2017

Safe And Secure

I love to learn to knew things. I just don't like the study that goes along with it. I'm great if someone will do that for me and if I can learn what others see from a subject than I am happy as a peach.
But I can't continue to be like this. I must learn things on my own and try to hear what God wants me to hear from what is being said and not taking what others learned as the gospel.
For what they might learn maybe just what they need but God wants me to learn something else from the same subject matter and this is the case.
I know what has been taught about the Shepard but I never really understood the depth of what a Shepard, not just a Shepard but a good Shepard is supposed to be like.
And for me this is a light bulb moment. So when I came across this little devotional, I knew I was on the right track and I wanted to share the devotional in hope it will speak to you as it did for me.
God Bless.
"And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand." - (John 10:28)
Jesus depicted as the Good Shepherd. The responsibilities of a shepherd include but are not limited to: Protecting Feeding And Watering Anointing Grooming Leading Sheering Delivering lambs Comforting And Nurturing The Good Shepherd Jesus fulfills all these responsibilities, to ensure that we are safe and secure as His sheep.
He begins by giving us eternal life so that we don't perish and as Isaiah 49:16 says, "See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands your walls are continually before me", therefore we are safe and secure with Jesus the Good Shepherd.
-Author Unknown

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