Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Work Brings Profit

My husband works very hard for his family. Me, not so much anymore. I have a lot of physical issues I have to deal with everyday so having a regular job is hard for me.
However, I do know the power and have witness the power and results hard work can do.
But I've come to realize that even though I can't physically work like my husband i still have a job to do and this little devotional helps but it all in perspective. Which I am so grateful for.
God Bless.

Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty! (NLT) -Proverbs 14:23 Have you ever found yourself talking up a storm about something you plan on doing, but before you know it, time has passed you by and you've lost your opportunity?
Or perhaps you've been talking about changing jobs for a long time, but made little effort towards it. Take this moment to do what you've been putting off. Are obstacles in your way? Get creative and don't let them stop you. If you are waiting for a sign, here it is!
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