Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Opportunity To Bless Others

I am finding out the benefit of helping others. I can actually say I am living this out. Granted, not everyday but several times a month.
Recently, we paid for dinner for people eating at Bob Evans and China Buffet and we were greeted with a years and a whole lot of thank you's.
So we beefed up our territory and took it to the grocery stores where we find ourselves paying for other people's groceries with pretty much the same results. But not only that, we have began to look for other opportunities to bless people.
It has turned into a family affair and we trade stories on how well our blessings are received by the people we are trying to bless. Not only that, but it's an opened door to allow the Holy Spirit to come into a person's life or situation without saying a word but by using what everyone has...your smile. It's life changing.
God Bless.
I believe the most important lesson I've ever learned regarding prayer is that it is far better to be an answer to prayer than to get an answer to prayer. Why? Because God wants to answer prayers through us, according to His power at work within us. When you start praying for others you allow yourself to be a channel of blessing. God has blessed us that we would be a blessing to others. Luke 12:48 reminds us that, "To whom much is given, much is required." The Bible is filled with examples of God's using willing servants to convey His blessings to others.
Remember Moses? Out there in the desert, he was praying for the children of Israel as the Israelites were praying in Egypt. And God came to Moses in that burning bush and said, "I have heard their cry." Then God told Moses that he was going to be used by Him to answer the Israelites' prayers. While it is wonderful to pray, "Lord, help that missionary," at some point God's response may be, "Now I want you to go and share the Good News!" If you're praying, "Lord, save that lost person," listen carefully because God may put your feet to your prayers and say, "You go and tell your friend about Me."
Are you willing to be an answer to prayer? As you begin your day, ask God to show you a specific way in which you can bless someone today. Keep the eyes of your heart open for opportunities God will place on your heart. Listen to prayer Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer.
-Author Unknown

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