Monday, May 1, 2017

Call To Worship

There is nothing better than a good worship song. A song that get's deep down in your soul and your still singing it for day's to come.

Love it! And I love the hope and joy that comes from worship. I also can appreciate a good devotional that helps put it all into perspective, don't you?

It's my hope that you will.

God Bless.

Call to Worship

Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth
- Isaiah 42:10a

Two things about this call to worship: first, it demands "a new song" to the Lord; second, it demands his praise "from the end of the earth."

Many Christians have grown up in Christian homes, gone to Christian churches, heard Christian sermons, and maybe even attended Christian schools. As a result, our familiarity with the subject of Christ can easily lead us to old-hat, absent-minded, parrot-like expressions of worship and prayer. This simply will not do.

We are commanded to bring to the Lord "a new song." This new song may be an old hymn newly discovered, or familiar words freshly considered, or new meditations leading to new exaltations. But we must come to worship with a sincere, searching, deeply felt song of praise.

On the other hand, there are some who have never heard of Jesus, or who have never considered His claims, or who have rarely and barely been exposed to the Word of God. If this is you, you may not even know what God expects of you. 

If this is you, then know this from God's Word: your Creator expects worship. He demands praise from every corner and every object of his creation. None are excepted.

No matter who you are, then, or where you are -- come to God with reverential fear and with fresh zeal, and praise him as he deserves to be praised.

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