Monday, May 22, 2017

Pray For Others

When I see the title of this little devotional all I can do is think, yeah okay, and get out my best defense book where all the wrongs are written down and relay them back to God and the air with two shakes of attitude to go with it.
Praying for others has to be the hardest things to do. I don't care if you like them or you don't. I don't care if they've done something to you or not.
Why? We are all selfish and if I am going to do some praying I want to make sure I get my needs and stuff in there. And to be totally honest, if people wanted their life changed, well then they need to fall on their knees themselves and do what I do.
But thank God, my relationship is a little more mature than the selfish stage and I am willing and I see the need to grab a hold of God's heart which has never changed.
His heart is for people and if I call Him my Savior,  well it's about time I fall into line and start praying for you, and you, and even that neighbor down the road.
God Bless.
Perhaps one of the greatest ways to experience the power of prayer is through intercession - praying for others. Intercession is the graduate level of prayer.
The Bible names several specific groups of people for whom we are to pray. Those in public leadership. This includes the President and Congress, our national leaders, our state and local government leaders, police officers, teachers, and others in authority. Whether or not we agree with their policies and opinions, we are to pray for them - that they would come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Our spiritual leaders. The devil aims his biggest guns at God's leaders, and today, many are discouraged, hurting, and even falling into sin. God's people need to pray for God's leaders.
I ask you from the depths of my heart to pray for the pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders in America and throughout the world. The lost. Are you praying for those in your life who do not know Jesus? Prayer is the means by which we help point others to faith in Christ. You and I know people who have yet to receive God's gift of grace, and the first step we ought to take is to commit the matter to prayer. Only God, by His Spirit, can reach a neighbor, rescue a prodigal child, and turn a wayward heart toward Him. Our country. We need to cry out to God and pray for our country. And if you love this country you will pray for God to revive His Church. Pray that God would renew our families and our communities. We need to pray for our fellow citizens and our neighbors, and turn our prayers to action.
Psalm 33:2 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." Let us join in prayer that our nation will return to its roots of honoring God. Today, devote your prayers to intercessory prayer. Listen to prayer Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer.
-Author Unknown

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