Thursday, December 7, 2017

Call Upon The Name Of The Lord

I believe this is something we, myself included, need to do more of instead of panicking.
I am a panicker, no doubt about it. When something goes awry or seemingly falls apart in my world, patience and faith isn't something that comes uo within me.
I am a fear based person who is striving to be a faith based warrior who needs encouragingwords like the following to help her on her journey.
And I have to say, I hit the jackpot with this little devotional. The word's ring true and loud and all I have to do is put my faith inti action and live by them and so can you.
God Bless.
"And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."(Acts 2:21)
A portion of Peter's sermon to the people during Pentecost referenced from what Joel the prophet had spoken. In times of deep distress and sorrow sometimes it's only the whisper of the name of the Lord that gets one through turmoil. Even as the tears stream down a face or runs silently inside with each breath you wait for salvation to come. Calling on the name of the Lord is therapeutic it calms your nerves, soothes your doubts, strengthens your bones, lifts your spirit, and definitely saves you. Whatever the situation you are facing today, call on the name of the Lord, you will be saved!
-Author Unknown

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