Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Pondering Mary

Mary is another one on my list of people to meet and chat as soon as I get to heaven.
Can yiu imagine what it must have been like for Mary to be carrying the Saviorof the world?
It must have been an amazing experience. I can't help but wonder if like me, Mary had just as many questions as I do and I and from reading the scriptures she did and unlike me, if I was in her situation, I would be shouting from the mountaintops.
But luckily for the world and the generations to come God saw it fit for me not to be the mother of King of King's.
So yet again, I will set back and pounder my question's and still be willing to praise Him through the good times and the bad all the while waiting for my chance to have a meet and greet with the mother of my Savior.
God Bless.
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:15-20 Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. - Luke 2:19
What did Mary ponder? Did she pinch herself, trying to grasp the truth that lying in front of her in a manger was the Son of God himself, the promised Messiah? Did she wonder how God could also be a real human baby boy? A baby that needed cuddling and attentive care? Mary surely realized that she was in the presence of a miracle. Thinking about what the shepherds had said, she probably thought back to the day nine months earlier when she too was visited by an angel. On that day she learned that she, a virgin, would become pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that the child in her womb would be the very Son of God. Almighty God, who is beyond space and time, chose to empty himself and to take on human flesh. Out of his great love for you and me, he came as a baby born to this mother that night in Bethlehem. There in the manger lay our Savior, who would surrender his own life for your sake and mine. The one whom Mary held and nursed, who could not even hold up his head and would need his diaper changed, was God in the flesh come to make us whole. One day this very real human being would choose to give his very real body over to be crucified. And Mary would be there to ponder that too. Will you ponder these things with Mary? Prayer: Child of Bethlehem, we are in awe at the miracle of your birth.
Thank you for living among us, as one of us. Amen.
Thea Leunk

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