Thursday, December 21, 2017


What the world needs now is more encouragement than the hell-fire-brimstone church.
It has been my experience, most people know what when the sin, but what they don't know is what to do after and how much their actions can effect them and those around them.
It is time for truth to come forth in love because where there is love there is liberty and the releasing of the Holy Spirit.
Do I believe it is okay to let them keep sinning and let things stay the same, no I do not. I beleive we should tell the truth about what God's word has to say about the sin. You know, hate the sin but love the person.
And the only way to bring about the change so desperately needed, is to be there leading and guiding from a heart of love and not one full of judgement. Because let's be honest, you don't want the skeletons from your closet coming out any more than the next person so become a person of encourgerment today.
God Bless.

More About Encouragement Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-8 If your gift is . . . serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement. - Romans 12:6-8
Encouragers are people who know Christ’s love and live by his words: “As I have loved you, so you must love one ­another” (John 13:34). Encouragers know that they have a gift provided through grace, and the Spirit works through them to build up God’s people. Whom are we called to encourage? The list is endless.
Paul often encouraged new believers by visiting the churches he helped to start. It’s also important that we encourage newcomers to the faith. They must not be left to fend for themselves; they need ongoing mentoring and encouragement in their new walk with Jesus. We can also encourage followers who are timid, weak, and wandering. Kind words cheer up people who are discouraged by life and its complexities (Proverbs 12:25). Well-chosen words make a huge difference! God gives encouragement through the Holy Spirit so that we can be more like him, glorifying him as we do so. There’s true joy found in encouraging others. Encouragement can take the form of a gracious compliment, a simple meal, an appropriate hug, a brief visit, or a generous donation, reviving someone like water to a drooping plant. The opportunities are endless! Whom can you encourage today?
Prayer: Holy Spirit, empower us to be more Christlike in our encouragement of others as we journey through life together. Show us whom and how we can encourage in the name of Jesus and for his sake. Amen.
George Vink

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