Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Stopping To Say Thanks

I really am on a new deeper level here. Everything I read is taking me to a new way of thinking about how I am or need to live my life and this little devotional is no exception.

There is no real reason for any more words because I can't add to them. The only thing I think that can and should be added is: go and live them.

And see what the Lord will do.

God Bless.

Stopping to Say “Thanks”
Let us show gratitude.
Some people are genuinely grateful to God but never take the time to tell God that they are. How would we feel if our children never thanked us for all that we’ve done for them? How would we feel if they never said “thank you” or showed their gratitude, if they just accepted everything we did for them as if it were by right, merely taking it for granted?
Unfortunately, that is how many of God’s children treat Him—and it is not pleasing in His sight. We are required to appreciate what God does for us and to take the time to express our appreciation. One of my favorite verses is in Proverbs: “In all your ways acknowledge Him [God], and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:6).
I have learned by experience that if I pause at every stage in life to acknowledge God, I can be confident that He will continue to direct my path. You might ask, “How can I acknowledge God?” The simplest and best way is to thank Him—say “Thank You” for all He has done and for His faithfulness. You will get immediate assurance that He is going to continue to be faithful. Just as He has helped and guided you in the past, He will guide you in the future. But the key to this assurance is acknowledging Him by our thanksgiving.
When I was in East Africa, I discovered that in the language of my adopted African daughter’s tribe, they had no word or phrase that meant “thank you.” Can you imagine not being able to say “thank you”? I then realized that it is only where the Bible has come that people have learned to say “thank you.” It is part of the grace of God.
Thank You, Lord, for all You have done for me. I proclaim that I will pause at every stage in life to acknowledge God by thanking Him. I shall show gratitude. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

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