Friday, May 11, 2018

Ask, Seek, And Knock

This has seems to be one of the most easiest things God ask us to do except for when we don't receive the thing we are asking for.
It is at this moment when doubt and anger seep in. So I have to wonder, seeing I've experienced this sort of thing a time or two, where did I go wrong or did I?
Maybe after reading this little devotional, I had better start at the beginning again, take my time, and maybe ask God for His advice in getting my end results. 
According to the scriptures, everything has to have His stamp of approval and what better way of getting it than to put my faith not in myself but in the one who told me to ask, seek, and knock in the first place and keep the faith until the bitter end.
God Bless.
"Ask, and it shall be given you seek, and ye shall find knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" - (Matthew 7:7)
Jesus tells us to ask, seek and knock for what we desire. A child is relentless and fearless in pursuit of what he or she wants. They will ask for what they want without processing the claim beforehand. They ask! Here Jesus tells us to ask, seek and knock for the things we desire. It's common sense really, but our adult minds sometimes rationalize everything to the nth degree and before we know it, we chicken out and keep silent. Today, we will let common sense prevail we will ask to get, seek to find, and knock for the door to be opened for us.

-Author Unknown

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