Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Quote Of The Day - Faith, Gratitude, And Rest

The secret to coping with life is found right here in this little devotional and the only thing we have to do is live by the word's found written below.
It's time to grow up and get over ourselves  and live a life of victory by not allowing the circumstances to pull us down to thw pit's of hell so satan can have his way with us.
Arise and look up, indeed our redemption is near! Thank you, Jesus for standing with me and for me when I turn my eyes to the problem and not to the source of my answer. You are indeed, the only thing I need to make it through this thing call life.
God Bless.

Quote of the Day
-Joyce Meyer
“Faith, Gratitude, and Rest So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God. 1 CORINTHIANS 2:5
Faith allows us to rest—both mentally and emotionally. Even our will gets a rest when we have faith in God. We don’t worry or reason, we are not upset or downcast, and we are not trying to make something happen that is not God’s will—we are thankful that God is in control so that we can rest! Paul sang praises to God while he was in jail. Jesus prayed for others while He was being crucified. Joseph decided that if he was going to be a slave, he would be the best slave his owner ever had. All throughout Scripture, we see the connection between faith, gratitude, and rest. We need to be honest about what the real cause of our stress is. Is it really our circumstances in life, or is it the way we respond to the circumstances? There is a rest that comes with gratitude and faith. This is a rest we can live in every day.
Prayer of Thanks I thank You today, Father, that I can live in rest. I don’t have to worry or be downcast when I face challenges. Thank You that I can have faith, knowing that You are the One in control.”
-Joyce Meyer, The Power of Being Thankful: 365 Devotions for

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