Thursday, May 3, 2018

Glory In All Things

This little devotional is soooooo good! If you are dealing with self-doubt, worthlessness, or anything in between, then this little devotional is for you.
We must stop complaining about where God is when the big thing's doesn't happen and begin to look at where God is and we will more than likely find Him in the small things.
In fact, it's about time we start giving God glory in everything not because we want to but because He deserves it.
As I get older in life, I can't help but think where I might have been if I adapted this concept when I was just starting out. But thank God, for His mercy and grace that are new every morning so that I might have the chance to give Him the glory every chance I get.
God Bless.
Glory in All Things
Beware of allowing yourself to think that the shallow aspects of life are all not ordained by God. They are ordained by Him equally as much as the profound. A famous athlete in America hated warming up before his training. One day, he pulled a muscle so badly he had to be in bed for days. Then he remembered his coach’s advice and changed for the better. The coach always said, “You not only represent the country, but also represent me.” Similarly, we not only represent the kingdom of God, but God Himself. We are His ambassadors on this earth. Our very life must bring glory to His name. Beware of posing as a profound person - God Himself became a baby (to fulfil His plan for mankind). To be shallow is not a sign of being sinful nor is shallowness an indication that there is no depth in your life at all. Every ocean has a shore. Even the shallow things of life such as eating and drinking, walking and talking are ordained by God. We are safe guarded by the shallow things of life. There are times we become so pompous and proud that we do not want to be mixing about anymore. We consider ourselves superior.
The Supreme God fellowshipped with Adam and Eve, Jesus ate and drank with His disciples and the people. So, shouldn’t we be more like our Lord and reach out to the ‘least’, loving the ‘drop outs’ of life and inviting them to the same place of worship we go to? The Church is not made up of a set of perfect people, but it is a set of sinners, saved by a Savior who has got them on the right track and are now in turn leading others to Christ.
Prayer Lord, help me not to think more about myself but about others, and consider others better than myself, bringing glory to Your name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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