Monday, May 7, 2018

Why Are You Afraid?

Fear, I got to say, it's on my top ten list to never deal with it or to acknowledge it even exists.
But it stares me in the face when I fear we don't have the money to pay the bills, or something touches my son and I'm the new WebMD, or when I fear my husband's cancer will come back.
So in essence, fear is never a good thing and must be dealt with right away because if you don't, it will find a crack in your soul and plant itself deep making it that much harder to get rid of.
I know it can be conquered because Jesus said it could and if I kove Jesus like I say I do, then it must be cast out to the deepest end of the sea and when it's no longer in control of my life, I am free to be me and there isn't anything better.
God Bless.

Then he asked them, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (NLT) -Mark 4:40
The disciples had been with Jesus enough to see many miracles done but yet they underestimated the power He had to control the wind. You may not be aware of your fears, but they drive at the heart of your words, actions, and attitudes. Take a moment and think about your fears. Now, think about each time Jesus has performed miracles in your life. When you uncover your fears and approach them with His past faithfulness, your fears will lose all control. Do you allow your fears to overtake your faith?
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