Thursday, May 24, 2018

Free To Belong

What a title! Free to belong. But to belong to what? Great question and my answer to that would be: Free to belong to the one who bought and paid the ultimate price for your redemption.
When your in Him, this opens the door foe Jesus to move through you so you can help the hurting people in the world. That's what it is all about in a nut shell.
And if your like me, you need a friendly reminder: it isn't about me it's about the one who is living within me so that others might see His glory.
Amen and God Bless.
Free to Belong
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:14-17 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. - Romans 8:16

When we find ourselves in a new job or a new school where we do not know anyone, it feels welcoming to have someone come alongside and help us become familiar with our new surroundings. A person who does that may show us around, introduce us to coworkers or friends, and help us to feel at home more quickly. That person is showing hospitality. Hospitality helps to make people feel welcome. Hospitality invites people in and gives them a sense of belonging. We all seek a place where we can feel comfortable. We seek a place where we belong and where we are accepted for who we are. We feel secure when we’re in a place where we do not have to pretend to be someone we are not. Through the resurrection of Jesus, the Spirit of God offers us the gift of hospitality and welcomes us into his family. God invites those who seek new life in Christ to come and make themselves comfortable in his presence.
Not all earthly families are welcoming and comfortable, but the freedom God offers us through the resurrection is the gift of belonging to his family, where we can come and share in all the privileges and responsibilities of being called God’s children. As our loving Father, God accepts us and loves us for who we are in Christ. Through the resurrection we are free to belong! Prayer: Father God, thank you for accepting us as your children. Just as you invite us through the gift of hospitality, may we extend that loving hospitality to others. In Jesus, Amen.
Laurie Zuverink

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