Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Perfect Bride Of Christ

Who can't wait be atrend the ultimate wedding? For get rhe wedding of the century, this wedding is going to be one for the ages.
This wedding has been in the works for over two thousand year's and I believe it won't be much longer before we receive our invites.
Sure we are living in exciting times, but the time I am most looking for is the time when my Bridegroom calls me to come and be with Him and I say I do and will for all times. Oh what a glorious time that will be!
I can't wait won't you come with me so that together we can live the good life for evermore.
God Bless.

The Perfect Bride of Christ Song of Solomon reminds me of the unconditional love that God has for us. Every time I read it, I feel as if my eternal lover is describing me as a perfect being, despite my shortcomings, just like the Shulamite woman, who confesses that she is dark, yet lovely to look at. When we look at our spouse, we start comparing him or her to others, ignoring the fact that we are finding faults in God’s wonderfully and fearfully made creation. We harbor the spirit of covetousness. We whine about how he or she appears, dresses, walks and talks. On the contrary, Jesus says you are all fair, without spot or blemish. What an assurance we have in the Lover of our souls, Jesus Himself. He loves us, even when we sin because of wrong decisions. He gave His life as a sacrifice to redeem us from the wages of sin.
He sanctified and cleansed us with His blood, so as to present us to Himself, a glorious church, not having a single spot or wrinkle, so that His bride, the church, should be holy. The next time you start complaining about your spouse to another, look at him or her through the eyes of Christ. Then, marriages will last till His kingdom comes and divorces and extra marital affairs will be on the wane. His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. Declaration I am the bride of Christ, holy and perfect, without blemish. My voice is sweet to His ears and my countenance is comely. Jesus is my beloved and I am His. He is my eternal lover and spouse.
-Author Unknown

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