Thursday, May 31, 2018

Trusting God's Competence

Do we truly believe what God's word tells us? Do we truly believe God will do what He stay's He will do?
Thank heavens God doesn't need our faith  to move the mountain but what He does need for us to believe He not only can but will move the mountain if it lines up with His will.
God hold's nothing good back from us and that is exactly what we need to know and have faith in.
Remember today and in the day's to come, God is good and He cannot lie. He will see us through.
God Bless.
Trusting God’s Competence
Praise God that he is able to bring about everything he says: ‘For no word from God will ever fail.’ Our God is the God of the impossible – he delights to take situations that seem beyond hope, such as that of the previously barren Elizabeth, speak his word of promise and then transform them. 
-Author Unknown

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