Monday, May 28, 2018

Trusting God's Communication

Ever wonder if God hears you, or answers the way He does? Maybe it's time to look at the people of Israel and see how God communicated with them.
I can assure you He didn't always say yes and He wasn't always gentle but if you want to tell you like it is and His reasoning behind every word and every no, then God's your man.
Just remember if He doesn't sleep or slumber where Israel is concerned, then how much more is He watching over you? Yep, you guessed trust in Him and trust He has your very heart in His hands.
God Bless.

Trusting God’s Communication Like Israel, cry out to God in all the battles you face today: ‘He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him.’ Resolve to ask God for his insight into the situations you face – often it is only godly wisdom and not human strategy that will provide a way out. 
-Author Unknown

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