Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Worry Is A Sin

Worry, can't live with it but according to God, we can live without it. And if we want to be in God's will, we must learn to be free from it.
But I say to the Lord all the time, do you see what is going on down here? Like David, I wonder at times if God has left us to our own device's. But thank God, He hasn't and no matter how big of a pity party I throw and devote myself to worry, God still loves me.
However, if I love God and want a better way to life, then I need to get off my high horse and show worry to the curb and demand it never return.
And if necessary, remind worry it has no place in my life if it is stupid enough to keep coming back. What can I say, it is a process.
God Bless.
"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" - (Matthew 6:27)
Jesus warns that we should not worry.
Margaret Feinberg penned this quote, "worry is a subtle way of telling God that Hes fallen asleep at the wheel and that things arent under His authority, but ours". How dare we challenge God's control of the universe? Worry, anxiety, doubt, fear, and unbelief cause us to. Worry is a sin it's like a rocking chair that keeps us moving, but takes us nowhere. The recipe for overcoming worry: learn to trust God and all that He does and allows. We can't change or control anything. God is trustworthy He has a proven track record therefore we can trust Him and overcome worry.
-Author Unknown

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