Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Sign of a True Apostle

Love this article from Chrisma Magazine!

Contains truth and hopefully it will expose the lie and we start going after all those people who have been hurt and bring them back to a relationship with Father Himself as well as His Son, Jesus Christ, the true apostle.

The Sign of a True Apostle (It’s Not What You Think)
J. Lee Grady

A few years ago I heard a preacher tell a room full of ministers that they couldn’t work miracles or exercise apostolic authority unless they used the word apostle as a title. So some of them ran out and printed new business cards—as if putting the word in front of their names was the magic ticket to reclaiming New Testament power.

That was a bad idea. For the past 15 years or more, thousands of people have been wounded and countless churches have nosedived because immature leaders thought they could gain apostolic status the easy way. We are so eager to qualify ourselves that we forget God alone calls, prepares and sends true apostles.

The late Arthur Katz, who was a prophetic voice to our movement for many years, wrote in his 1999 book Apostolic Foundations that nobody should be eager to step into an apostolic assignment or to treat such a task flippantly. “God is jealous over the word apostolic,” Katz wrote. “It is a word that has fallen into disuse and needs to be restored, and that restoration is not going to be cheap.”

We are so carnal, so power hungry and so enamored with status and position that we don’t have a clue what apostolic ministry really is. Most charismatics think it is about authority, and many men who claim to be apostles build top-down pyramid structures that abuse people. Others think apostolic leaders are marked primarily by sensational miracles. Yet I see something we have entirely missed when I look at the life of the apostle Paul.

Paul told the Thessalonians that love is the true hallmark of any person who is sent on an apostolic mission. Therefore, if we want apostolic power or authority (which we should), it must flow through apostolic love or it is a counterfeit. This apostolic love can be described in four ways:

1. It is incarnational. Paul brought the gospel to the Thessalonians and lived among them. He did not just drop in, preach a good sermon and leave. He said, “We were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives” (1 Thess. 2:8, NASB, emphasis added). Just as Jesus came to this earth, lived among us and died for us, true apostles give it all. If all an “apostle” does is preach a good message, he is a poor substitute for the real thing. (And if he also spends more time taking up offerings for himself, he is a hireling or a con artist.)

2. It is sacrificial. Paul risked his neck in Thessalonica, and then he told his followers that he would “suffer affliction” from his persecutors (1 Thess. 3:4). But he loved them so much that he prayed for them continually, and he longed to visit them again even though he knew it would be risky. He never mentions money. In fact, when he was with the Thessalonian church, he worked night and day “so as not to be a burden to any of [them]” (1 Thess. 2:9). That flies in the face of modern apostles who charge $1,000 an hour for their consulting fees.

3. It is relational. The word brethren appears in 1 Thessalonians 17 times. That’s because Paul viewed the church as the family of God. He saw himself in the role of a gentle, nursing mother (1 Thess. 2:7) as well as a strong father (v. 11). Paul’s affection is so thick and so slobbery that it drips off the page of his letter. He says the members of the church “have become very dear” to them (v. 8) and that they “also long to see [them]” (3:6). It’s no surprise that he ends the epistle by exhorting the people to greet one another with "a holy kiss” (5:26).

What has happened to this kind of holy affection in today’s church? Why are we so disconnected? We have replaced deep relationships with cold professionalism. Many pastors have not been properly fathered, so they don’t know how to love—nor do they have close friends. So we cover our dysfunction with busyness. We work, work, work—while sterile, loveless congregations struggle to grow. We use gimmicks and programs to get people in seats because our love is not warm enough to attract people to Jesus.

4. It is confrontational. Paul was not seeker-sensitive. He did not hesitate to confront sin. He gave the Thessalonians one of the most frank, forthright sermons on sexual sin ever written (1 Thess. 4:1-8). But he confronted them as a loving father by emploring them to stay within their God-given boundaries. He didn’t use anger, manipulation, domination or threats. He led with strong, apostolic love.

I believe God wants to pour out a new wave of apostolic power on our generation. But we can’t be trusted with this anointing if we refuse to grow up. We will have the maturity to use the word apostolic when we learn to walk in the love that was modeled by the first apostles.

J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of the Mordecai Project

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Turning Towards God

Do I tell God I need Him?
Do I realize that I don't need much time to tell Him I love Him?
I need to lift my heart to Him. Worship Him in the deepest depths of my spirit. 
I need to offer Him everything I do and what I suffer. 

I need to tell Him what the most important things that occurs to me. 
I need to tell Him what stands out in His word. 
I need to cling to Him, my best friend.
I need to live in Him with unbounded trust.

I need to speak to Him out of a heart of love as I continually turn my spirit toward the loving presence of God that lives within me. And when I do, I will find myself bring strengthened to do all things. This is the kingdom of God.

Monday, November 4, 2013


I saw this and fell in love with it. Hoping this will become meaningful to all as well. This in my own words...


You designed me...
You created me...
You blessed me...
You healed me...
You defend me...
You forgive me...
But most of all, Father, You LOVE me!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Hardest Lesson

What do you think would be the hardest lesson we have to learn? Love our enemies? How to care for the poor? Maybe it is something totally unexpected. Or just maybe the hardest lesson we have to learn is the waiting game. 

Learning to wait. I hate the thought. I don't like to wait. I expect my answer and and people to do what I want them to do todo it right now. I take no joy in waiting or being calm when my life isn't going the way I want. 

Yet deep down I know that waiting is just the natural part of life just like breathing is necessary for my life to continue. So now, if I want to mature in Christ, then I know I must use the waiting period to cement my friendship with God so that I can increase in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Okay

Don't you agree? I long to become free and let God take control but sometimes my eyes sees to much and I focus on what is going on around me. Yes, I watch the news and within five minutes I wish I would have never bothered. 

So much wrong with the world and at timers the trouble comes walking right into my home with put a proper invite. Once in, the problem tears me away from being a daughter of the king into a wreck with no way out. It grabs my attention and will not free me. 

After time, I begin again at the foundation of the Word, build myself up, and I feel the problem losing hold on my life until it finally lets me go. The problem is I lose valuable time and my efforts are place in the wrong thing which may cause me to go around the same mountain again and again. 

My greatest desire is for me to grow up and believe the quote above. I have to wonder if I did just that, where would my life lead me. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wounded in the House

I recently read something that struck the very nerve of my heart. It was one sentence but the words in the sentence are powerful. Here it is and let us open our hearts and ears as we try to hear what God is saying to each and everyone of us:

"Wounded in the house of My friends."

It is not the unbelief of His enemies that hurts Hm, but by His friends who say they love and knows Him. People who cannot walk all the way with Him, and doubt Hs power are breaking His heart. 

The only question that remains is do I fall into one of those categories listed above. Am I wounding the very heart of God? It is sad to say maybe not all the time, but I find myself falling into one of those categories from time to time.

I do not believe Him when He states in Hs word His love can bear everything which is the first step in believing and bring sold out. Yet even though I struggle on a daily basis I know and I strive for God's picture He has of me.

I will continue to try to put the past behind me and move towards the higher calling He has put on my life and I know in the end I will stop wounding my Lord and Savior. Join me in stopping the wounding of His heart.

Major Key

Walking in love and helping other people is a major key to enjoying our life's and fulfilling our God-driven destiny.

Do we really believe that we were never meant to be reservoirs, which only collects but never gives? Do we really realize God's greatest plan for creation was to be rivers that continue to flow with God's blessings to others.

We must become passionate about loving people. Helping others, opening the door for them, paying a compliment, or just paying attention to their lives shows people they matter to us and to the one who created them.

Giving of our time and energy by reaching out to others is a major key to unlocking our destiny and having a joy-filled life.

Let us try and do at least one thing each day for someone else and then watch and see what God does for us.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Scripture

We must start realizing that reading the scripture is a way into prayer and not just a bunch of words to be read.  We must start thinking that anything and everything may become prayer depending on what the situation we may be in or what God is calling us into. 

We must be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us in what He is trying to show us in how we deal with scripture in our lives. We should have an encounter with the Spirit every time we open the word whether it's God created and formed the earth to Jesus wept, and everything In between. 

When we are following the Holy Spirit, every encounter we have with The Lord is one of perfection and it the Spirit leads us to a certain scripture, we need to sit up and take notice, and then become doers for who is to say the scripture the is in front of us is the same scripture that will lead us through the storm in the furture. 


One of the greatest things we can do is reach out with God's love and help somebody else. Isn't that part of living a life of purpose? Shouldn't we be passionate about the things God is passionate about?

Do you see how The Lord loves us and works in our lives and sends us out to be His messengers to a dying world? 

Do you see yourselves as an ambassador/messenger? Does your thinking include that people will read our lives more than they might ever read the bible?

Maybe we need a change of heart as well as a change of thought and start seeing ourselves as a messenger who carries the good news of the gospel. Not only are we messengers to a dying world but we have no problem living the life we put our faith into and maybe that's the most effective message of them all.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Draws You

What are we to do when we become drawn away from God who is to be our center? No matter what it is that draws us away, we must immediately turn within once more. 

For we are to be completely occupied, inwardly, with God. This is impossible! Considering everything life throws at us! 

But we must be ready to turn within, again and again, no matter how often we are drawn away. We must be ready to repeat this inward turning again and again. 

It's not enough to be turned inwardly and hour or two a day. We must make it a apart of our lives every day. Because soon there will come a day where God's voice is the only thing that will matter in our lives and in the lives of others.

Passionately Seeking

Are you passionately seeking God? Am I? Are you a doer of the word? Am I? What is our believe where Matthew 6:33 is concerned? 

Matthew 6:33?

King James Version (KJV)

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Do you feel God is calling us to a higher life? A life that reflects His character in all that we do. 

Have we committed ourselves to passionately seek him and be willing to be allowed by Him to take us on a journey of a lifetime?

Passionately seeking Him is the key to our destiny. We must spend time in prayer and in the word so we can be transformed into His likeness.

When we completely surrender and turn our passion back to the Father, I can help thinking if that will be the moment God, the Father of us all, will pour Himself out on His people so we can go to the highways and byways and change a nation that was once on fire and established for God back into a powerhouse of God's power. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Little Share

I want to share this message from Daily Bible Devotion: 

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me." (NLT) John 14:1 NLT + More Versions Heart troubles can be the worst. Hurts happen. Are you doing what you can to be troubled free? If you don't take the time to deal with those hurts and root them out, they will prevent you from being a whole, healthy person. How can you tell if your heart is troubled? Look at your emotional reactions and figure out the reasons behind your reactions. Then trust.

Love it. 

God Bless.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Modern Pilgrims

     Have you ever wondered how the Pilgrims must have felt when they first placed their feet on the new world? Goosebumps must have been in their heyday not to mention the looks of awe and wonder spilling out from all those people who were cramped onto a boat for months. 
     After months of being coped up, the feeling of freedom must have rung out loud and clear. Thanksgiving and praise must have been a sweet sound echoing out to a God who was faithful to see them safely to the new world. The moment of pure joy as the realization of a life changing, history making event taking place must have been awesome.
     I wish I had payed more attention in history class but I'm sadden to say, history wasn't on the top of my priority list so I had to go back and find out what a Pilgrim was. According to the dictionary, a Pilgrim is a person who is on a journey to a holy place.
     After seeing the definition, I step back and asked myself if I was a pilgrim in today's world. At first I didn't think so. No where around me was a holy place and there was no new world for me to discover but as time went by, I began to see the importance of where God has placed me. 
     I was blessed to be given land of my own when my dad died and my husband and I began to put down roots. Over the years our land has changed; some for good and some not so good but here recently, I began to see my land as bring holy and belonging to God. Once I put value on my land, I began seeing it through the eyes of God and not man. He began to show me this was how He viewed America.
     America is His land. He designed it, created it, and built a foundation of Godly principles on it. He blessed America with His very breath. No other land has more value, beautiful scenery, and unique features like America has. 
     But over the years since the first Pilgrims step foot on it, the land has begun to cry out. One has to admit, this land has been through so much from the Native American massacres, to the waste filling our waters, to the trash piling up on the highways and byways. 
     I am not going to get into the wrongs of this nation, take political sides, or even make this article about my views of what needs to be changed. My hope and prayer is you hear my heart and we return to the foundations of what the Pilgrims stood for. We need to see every parcel, every stretch of highway, and everything in between as valuable and dear to the One who created it.
     Truly, God shed His blood for this land, put a blessing on it, and put faith in the people who would walk on it to keep it from crying out. My heart is heavy where the land is concerned, no longer is it a holy place but it has become a land where people just throw their trash where ever they might be because they are to busy or uncaring to be concerned with their actions. 
     Bees are disappearing, animals are dying, and the rocks are beginning to rumble. My hope and prayer is that we, being the privilege people we are who is called by His name, will humble ourselves and begin to pray, and will seek His face, and will turn from our wicked ways so God will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sin, and heal our land.
     So as Thanksgiving approaches, my prayer is for new modern pilgrims to begin to rise up and begin a journey to make this land a holy one just one more time.

God's Creative Power for Healing (Chapter Two)

Divine Healing is a Spiritual Cure

Cheaper two of this book is turning out to be a divine light to my clouded mind wherehealing is   concerned. Here is just a few tidbits that has me changing my thinking on healing and my hope it will strike up new thoughts in you.

First food for thought: God's healing is spiritual and is administered through the human spirit.

Thought two; God considers it done because He sent His word and HEALED them.

Thought number three: God respects faith in His word for it is impossible to please God without it.

Thought number four: God's word is LIFE. It is also HEAlTH. God's word is medicine to your flesh and will heal our bodies. 

And the final thought is healing can be received into the human spirit through the word and once there, it will permeate the physical body. 

Completely Changed

Change. Some love it some hate it. Me personally, it all depends on the circumstances and what I am dealing with at the time and of course my mood. 

However, change doesn't come through struggling on our own, frustration, self-rejection, works of the flesh, guilt, self-hatred, rejection from others, laziness, and burdens of the heart.

Change is a transformation that comes in our lives as a result of diving into the word of God. As we believe God's word and line ourselves with God's will, change will undoubtedly occur in our lives.

We will begin to show signs of walking in His footprints.  We will begin to talk differently, think differently, and act differently. 

We will start out taking baby steps, growing into maturity, and before we know it, others will begin to see we have been with Jesus and will cry out "what must I do to be saved."

Depths of the Book

Do you feel like I do as being in a weaker state of Christianity than most Christians do?

Do you also feel like you are unqualified to know the depths of God, just like me?

Do we truly know and understand that the greatest book is Jesus Christ Himself? 

He is truly a book that has been written for the sole purpose to teach us all things. So in light of that, we need to read Him!

We must never look for the kingdom of God anywhere but in Jesus and what He has done for us. Once we read Him, we will know Him, and will find His kingdom which is living within us. We are the kingdom of God. We are the sole reason for the book. We are the sole reason He came and died for us and once we realize His cherished kingdom, we will find His love, His healing powers, and His heart. 

So let us pick up the book who is Jesus Christ, begin to devour it, release ourselves to feel his love and gentleness overshadow our lives so we can begin to make a difference in a dying world. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Love and Belive

Does my belief system know and show and believe that the more I draw closer to God this will bound me to His love? 

Do I believe the love of a sinner can shine for a Savior?

How about the love the rescuee has for her Resucuer and her ability to find words to share to others just how He means to her?

Am I a good sheep that loves her Shepherd and wants to lead others to follow her to the good Shepherd?

Do I believe that I am a child of God and I know without a shadow of a doubt He loves me?

I don't know the whole answer to that question but what I do know is that with each experience in my life, they serve to answer my age old prayer that I was made to love Him in any role I need Him to be and He loves me enough to say I don't expect you to be perfect but you are fearfully and wonderfully made in Christ and what He did for you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's Time to Praise God

I don't know about you but I always seem to come across things that take me away from God and what I want to do. Instead of looking to God for insight, I look at the issues at hand and begin to dwel and focus on them and in turn, this separates me from God. 

God doesn't separate Himself from me but because I can't grow up, I find myself being separated from God more than like. So as I was reading today, I ran across this in my devotional book from Max Lucado's: Grace for the Moment and I wanted it to share it. It spoke the answer I needed to hear for any of my given situations.

You are a great God.
Your character is holy.
Your truth is absolute.
Your strength is unending.
Your discipline is fair...

Your provision are abundant for our needs.
Your light is adequate for our path.
Your grace is sufficient for our sins...

You are never early, never late...
You sent Your Son in fullness of time and 
Will returner the consummation of time.
Your plan is perfect.
Bewildering. Puzzling. Troubling.
But perfect.

Amen and God Bless!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Words of Our Mouth

For the past drew years and probably my who life, I have the need to study and hurts from words. Words that haven't been so kind to me but I have a choice to either shape up and become the mature one and never allow what has caused me pain to spread to others that I live and those who are around  me. 

So with my study on God's Creative Power for Healing, I have found some scriptures in the first chapter that has spoken to me and I wanted to share with you with the hope they might find you blessed and willing to dive deeper with me:

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23

The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life. Proverbs 10:11

The tongue of the wise is health. Proverbs 12:18

He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life. Proverbs13:3

A gentle tongue (with its healing power) is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit.  Proverbs 15:4

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet o the soul, and health o the bones. Proverbs 16:24

My wish is by the end, we are closer to being completely healed and whole!

God Bless. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Blood Moon

Would highly recommend this YouTube video!

Have a great weekend and life up your eyes for our redemption drawth nigh!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

God's Creative Power for Healing (Chapter One)

Building Blocks of Life and Death cont.

Are you convinced that your own words can change your immune system for better or worse? Do you believe the words you speak are vital to your health and well-being? Do you believe there are some diseases that will never be cured unless people learn to speak the language of health that your body understands? Do you believe God's word along with your mouth is a language of health to your body?

You have to wonder about people who have an image of themselves bring in poor health will still continue to talk to others about being in poor health. They seem to live out the reality of the image they have of themselves even though they are in good health,

Proverbs 18:21 states: Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Wouldn't you agree? What you believe and speak effects your immune system and your body which makes your word either a blessing or a you and those around you.

However, a constant meditation and affirmation of God's word will build your (our) immune system that just may be anointed enough of eliminating sickness and disease! 

So lets meditation, concentrate, and put into faith God's word and let us arise and be healed depending on God's medical plan instead of man's.

God Bless. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

God's Creative Power for Healing (Chapter One)

Building Blocks of Life and Death

Here are some of my thoughts on a little booklet I was given a long time ago. Like a lot of things in my life, I have let things fall to the way side because of family issues these last past months, even years. 

I have no excuses. I take full responsibility for my lack of action so my hope is to put down in words what I see and feel. So lets begin: 

Our words are building blocks in which we construct our lives and future. Amen. If there is anything I have learn is that words can either help you or harm you. Depending where you are at in life, words will  have played a solid impact in where you are now and in what you believe in. 

So it's time that we as humans whether your a Christian or not, child or adult, married or single get it tougher and start taking responsibility for what we say to others, to those in authority, and to what we say to ourselves. 

It's time to realize that words really do hurt, they have a lasting effect on our confidence and most of the time words set the cornerstones of our lives and we live within the confines of those word. 

Situations, life conditions, and circumstances may or may not change, but your words can establish our lives forever. So my hope and challenge would be is that we stand up, and speak only what we need to in a loving, caring, needful, insightful way remembering your either building up or tearing down.

God Bless.

Friday, September 13, 2013

One Pair of Hands

     Recently I ran across a song on the internet sung by the King himself. No, not Jesus but Elvis Presley. I love to hear him sing. I don't think anyone could sing any better than he could. What a set of pipes! Yet, he choose to sing for the world be in the heavens, he sings for the King and I cant wait until I hear him in concert
     But I digest, this article isn’t about the king of rock 'n roll but about the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and what He could do with just one pair of hands, His hands. Have you ever thought about what His hands can do? 
     His hands were the hands of a carpenter and according to the dictionary, the definition of a carpenter is: a woodworker who makes or repair mostly with wooden objects. That’s a physical picture but I want to see things from a spiritual aspect and these hands that I call my King has done great and mighty things. His hands formed the mountains, the seas, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Wow!  Its mind blowing and amazing all in itself.
     But according to Elvis and the findings of the bible study group I am in, His hands have done so much more than what we could even thinking or imagine. We are on a quest to see Jesus in every book every chapter, every verse, and every thing in between. We want to know about the pair of hands that formed the earth, as well as the hands who was willing to hang on a tree for you and for me.
     Great and mighty are these hands and they are worthy of recognition, honor, and the respect that is due to them for without them, I would be lost, dying, in a dry and thirsty land going around the same mountain over and over again crying out for someone to hear me. Thankfully, I have put my life in a pair of hands that promise to never leave me or forsake me and no matter where your at in life you can trust in these pair of hands to pick you up and set you on a path that will ever change your life while putting a song in your heart, a smile on your lips, and trust and faith in a pair of hands will become a second nature. And if your like me who is walking along the path He has set out for me, then join me in singing and thanking Him for one pair of hands.

One pair of hands formed the mountains,
One pair of hands formed the sea
And one pair of hands made the sun and the moon,
Every bird, every flower, every tree
One pair of hands formed the valleys,
The ocean, the rivers and the sand
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands

One pair of hands healed the sick,
One pair of hands raised the dead
One pair of hands calmed the raging storm
And thousands of people were fed

One pair of hands said I love you
And those hands were nailed to a tree
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands.

Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands
Put your faith into one pair of h

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Finding Jesus

Do you realize that you can find Jesus in Genesis? Have you ever thought about where else you might find Him? 

I am on a quest to find Him throughout the bible. While searching, I found this and I wanted to share it with you:

In the Old Testament:

- In Genesis, He is the Creator God.

- In Exodus, He is the Redeemer.

- In Leviticus, He is your sanctification.

- In Numbers, He is your guide.

- In Deuteronomy, He is your teacher.

- In Joshua, He is the mighty conqueror.

- In Judges, He gives victory over enemies.

- In Ruth, He is your kinsman, your lover, your redeemer.

- In I Samuel, He is the root of Jesse.

- In 2 Samuel, He is the Son of David.

- In 1 Kings and 2 Kings, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

- In 1st and 2nd Chronicles, He is your intercessor and High Priest.

- In Ezra, He is your temple, your house of worship.

- In Nehemiah, He is your mighty wall, protecting you from your enemies.

- In Esther, He stands in the gap to deliver you from your enemies.

- In Job, He is the arbitrator who not only understands your struggles, but has the power to do something about them.

- In Psalms, He is your song–and your reason to sing.

- In Proverbs, He is your wisdom, helping you make sense of life and live it successfully.

- In Ecclesiastes, He is your purpose, delivering you from vanity..

- In the Song of Solomon, He is your lover, your Rose of Sharon.

- In Isaiah, He is the mighty counselor, the prince of peace, the everlasting father, and more. He’s everything you need.

- In Jeremiah, He is your balm of Gilead, the soothing salve for your sin-sick soul.

- In Lamentations, He is the ever-faithful one upon whom you can depend.

- In Ezekiel, He is your wheel in the middle of a wheel–the one who assures that dry, dead bones will come alive again.

- In Daniel, He is the ancient of days, the ever- lasting God who never runs out of time.

- In Hosea, He is your faithful lover, always beckoning you to come back–even when you have abandoned Him.

- In Joel, He is your refuge, keeping you safe in times of trouble.

- In Amos, He is the husbandman, the one you can depend on to stay by your side.

- In Obadiah, He is Lord of the Kingdom.

- In Jonah, He is your salvation, bringing you back within His will.

- In Micah, He is judge of the nation.

- In Nahum, He is the jealous God.

- In Habakkuk, He is the Holy One.

- In Zephaniah, He is the witness.

- In Haggai, He overthrows the enemies.

- In Zechariah, He is Lord of Hosts.

- In Malachi, He is the messenger of the covenant.

In the New Testament:

- In Matthew, He is king of the Jews.

- In Mark, He is the servant.

- In Luke, He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel.

- In John, He is the Son of God.

- In Acts, He is Savior of the world.

- In Romans, He is the righteousness of God.

- In I Corinthians, He is the rock that followed Israel.

- In II Corinthians, He the triumphant one, giving victory.

- In Galatians, He is your liberty; He sets you free.

- In Ephesians, He is head of the Church.

- In Philippians, He is your joy.

- In Colossians, He is your completeness.

- In I Thessalonians, He is your hope.

- In II Thessalonians, He is your glory.

- In I Timothy, He is your faith.

- In II Timothy, He is your stability.

- In Titus He is your reason for serving.

- In Philemon, He is your benefactor.

- In Hebrews, He is your perfection.

- In James, He is the power behind your faith.

- In I Peter, He is your example.

- In II Peter, He is your purity.

- In I John, He is your life.

- In II John, He is your pattern.

- In III John, He is your motivation.

- In Jude, He is the foundation of your faith.

- In Revelation, He is your coming King.

May this start a journey where every word, every story, and everything in between you will see the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Look to Him

     Who do you look to when things don't go your way? Who do you run to when your world has been turned upside down? Who do you count on when your best friend thinks your crazy or do you turn to someone you think you can trust only to find out they no longer want anything to do with you because some rumor has been started about you that could be furthest from the truth. 
     Or maybe a family member has betrayed you or maybe your in over your head dealing with a love one who has been diagnosed with cancer or some other form of sickness and you think your world is over. Or maybe you are being forced to lay down something that holds the deepest part of your soul. Or maybe you are dealing with stupid people and their games and you've had enough and your wondering when the game will turn on them so there will finally be justice.
     Or maybe your lonely. No one understands you. No one cares. When was the last time someone really listened to you? Or maybe your in over your head because of the choices you've made and the person your with don't believe the way you believe. Or maybe you think the God of this universe has forgotten all about you and has left you in this wilderness to walk around without a way of getting out.. Maybe you just need answers. 
     I can tell you, I can relate in all the above situations. However, these last few months have been the worst  and the best of my life. I have had to deal with the death of my brother while asking where were you, Lord. I am not ashamed of asking God where He's been in my life because I know in time, He will answer all my questions with one of His own...did you really look to Me for the solutions to your life’s problems? Finally after all these years, it took the death of my brother and everything that has come after it,  for me to finally get what He has been trying to tell me for years.
     My answer, my epiphany came in the form of a song. Here are the lyrics and my hope and prayer is you will also find your answer and know that the only thing left to do is to look to Him. For He is everything you and I need in any circumstances.

Look to Him

I know the Bible says
When You've done all you can to stand just stand
and I know it's hard sometimes 
to look through those tear stained eyes
and still see the scars in those hands
but just you keep this in mind, when hope seems so hard to find
surely you've not reached the end
when the whole world has let you down
Jesus can still be found
When you've tried it all 
Look to Him

Look to Him, for He only
when sorrow makes lonely
and the day and the night close in
He can vanish the midnight
and He'll call back your sunlight
How will it end 
Look to Him

Now I know that questions can
Lord they can seem so hard to understand but then
But I know someone who knows it all
His eyes see even that little sparrow fall
Yet He can hold back the sea with just one hand
He's so big He rides on the wind that blows 
Yet in your heart the only one that knows 
the heartache and all the trouble you're in
When life seems everything but good
Remember Him cause He's the only one that could
If you'd only dare 
Look to Him

(repeat chorus)

Monday, August 12, 2013


Some people have it and some don't. 
Some want it and others wish there was a magical formula so they could have more.
Some think its in the way they dress.
Some think they have to be high and mighty above the rest.
Some want others to bow to them because they seem to reek with it or so they perceive in their own mind while others struggle just to keep their mind in tact where the fact remains if one looks to close to their lives they'd would see all their cracks.
Whether you're young or old, your never to old, 
Short or fat, it's how you react
Rich or poor, 
Your life can be measured by how you lived.
And once you are ready to go home, one thing you should know,
It isn't the work you've done but how you walked without having lukewarmness being your guide. 
So go find it, live it, and remember CONFIDENCE is at the heart of it all.

God Bless.    

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Life Doesn't Always Turn Out

Life doesn't always turn out the way you want or plan for it. Sometimes life just kicks you in the butt...and hard. There are times when life and its problems can knock you for a loop while it comes up behind you and try's to take you out without you being aware sending you on a endless rollercoaster ride.

However, what try's to kill you can only make you stronger if you let it. Over the past few months, problems and stupid things have attacked my family with the intent of taking us out of this world. I must say, on several occasions I thought we were goners. 

Yet here we are, still standing, continuing the fight, and putting one foot in front of the other because that's all we can do for now and its the only thing God has required of us as we step out, and begin again, and rejoin the race while giving everything over into God's hand. He will bend down, meet us where we are at and begin to encourage us to fight the good fight of faith. 

He will also lead and guide to the path He has designed since before the beginning of time all the while promising to be that friend who will stick closer than a brother. While He may not take the pain and suffering away, He will make a way and make all things new; but we have to let Him.

So I ask this question, are you in the fight of your life? Then be still and know He is God and all things work together for good who loves Him.

God Bless.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No Matter

No matter what oh may think if The Bible series, you still should be able to get your emotions stirred up with the crucifixion scene. Every time I see the scene played out in any movie or story, it moves me to tears.

Just wondering what Jesus thought, what He felt, and why He didn't scream out to be saved. What did He think when He saw His mother there with Him?

I know He felt grieved and counted it all joy to take on my sins, but being human I have to wondered what He really thought. Yes, I know His battle was in the garden but still....what did He really think.

For me, I would have blasted every single one of those people. Thank heavens I am not Jesus. As a mother, I would have done everything in my power to keep it from happening to my baby. As a daughter, there is no way I would want my mother or father to see me going through something that horrible, yet Jesus did.

I know He had to make all things new but still, even after everything, what was He thinking? Yes, I know He was looking ahead and saw mr and you, and He was a willing participant from the foundation of the world but don't you wonder if He had other thoughts on His mind?

Forget about His pain from the beatings, and the thumping of His head because of the thorns, or the thirst He felt, or the thought that every step he took was painful and with each step brought Him closer to death.

Have you ever wondered if He thought about His love for Mary? I believe He had to be in love with her for the bible states He felt what we feel but I have no prove unlike the so called that code movie.

Many people talk about what people's last words are in life before crossing over but few talk about their thoughts. Yet most of the time, they come out any way it depends on whether you listen for them as you struggle to swallow your grief.

I just can't help wonder what Jesus truly thought of that day as He walked amongst His peers but one thing I can be truly happy about is that no matter what they were, it wasn't enough to change His mind about His mission and purpose and that He still went to the cross to save a nosy sinner like me.

God Bless.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Another Blast

In as many days, I am once again sending out my thoughts and prayers not just to individuals but to a whole town which just exploded. According to the news the town maybe leveled and as many as ten buildings are on fire, one being a middle school.

My heart goes out not only to the townspeople but also to all the employees who were working in the factory and who may or may not be hurt. My thoughts goes out to office workers, CFO, board members, and all executives who may or may not been aware of something like this could happen.

My thoughts turn to the possible family members of the townspeople who may live outside the area or state as they rush to get their things together for the journey they must now are forced to take,

May love resign supreme in this trying time and forgiveness and grace run freely to all who are in need and may the God of this nation forgive us as once again, we are forced to look at our nation as a whole.

For all us who may have felt to pray today for factories and thought it was stupid, thank The Lord we live under His grace and His mercies are new every morning. May we wake up, take up, and stand up for this great nation and may tomorrow be the start of God's hand returning towards this great nation for if we ever needed Him, now is the time.

Once again, my thoughts and prayers go out to this town located in this great nation and God Bless America!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Have You Had Enough Yet?

Have you had enough with a family member, your bills you can't pay, a spouse you wish would get the hint and leave you alone already, or how about that kid who thinks you nothing but an ATM machine?

For me personally. It's all the above. If I one thing more on my plate, I am not sure I can be responsible for what I do next. Personally, I am on the verge of giving up and calling it a day. In fact calling it quits on this thing called life.

If truth be told, I am tired, frustrated, and beyond angry. I am tired of people getting all up in my business. I am tired of people telling me how I need to act and feel. Last time I checked, I am a big girl who can make her own decisions and I am tired of people getting angry at my corny choices in life and or for blaming me for something I didn't do or didn't do to their satisfaction.

I am tired of dream killers. That is exactly what it is. Anything that takes me away from my dreams is a killer and the last time I looked, the bible calls killers a sin. Most of the time, people don't know they are doing it for all appearances, they only care about what they think.

So my prayer that in time, I will let the negative things and people go and allow God arise and let Him see to my dreams for He knows what He is doing in my life. It is also my prayer whoever may read this will also get rid of the negativity and seems their sights on reaching their goals and dreams God has imparted in our lives.

God Bless.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Bombing of Boston

It makes me sick that someone thought it would be okay to shoot up people with homemade bombs on the shores of the United States.

Are we on the verge of another 911? Or are we on the verge of a civil war? Or are we dealing with some sick people who need to be locked up and have the key thrown away?

Is security on your mind tonight? Are you wondering where this world is heading especially in America? If you have read the bible just once, you should be able to read the signs of the time. We are close to something major happening.

What is about to take place is possibly the full blown tribulation or the return or Jesus Christ; possibly both. All I know is this world is going to hell in a hand basket and its a crazy life outside of Jesus. However if your still breathing and I'm stilling breathing and the clouds haven't parted than we must find a way to live on this planet until Jesus makes His trumpet return.

We must get serious and start to seek His face not only for ourselves but for America, I heard Perry Stone say we don't need a restoration but a reformation of American. We need to reform our government, our laws, our schools, and our way of life. We need to quite making light of things as we drink a drink and smoke a smoke or light up like a Christmas tree because we have some weed we just got off the thug on the street corner.

We need to put down the drink, stop keeping up with the Kardasian's, and stop being like the Jones. We need to hit our knees and be willing to sit in a service and wait until He speaks on our part to change this nation. We must be willing to work a little bit, pray a little harder, and speak less, and love more.

We must get the Creator of the universe back into the picture and let Him arise in America, in the world, and ourselves. Nothing is going to change unless we become like Jacob and wrestle with God and don't let Him go until He blesses America again.

We must get serious and get God involved or otherwise, these kinds of things will continue to happen. We must remember just like pervious generations will have to stand and be accounted for what happen during their lifetime, so will we. My hope and prayer is we will get it and get serious and the next thing that goes off is the movement of Christ and His Spirit that will touch every town, every state, and then every country in the world.

God Bless.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

No One Has The Right

Dreams are what make life worth living. Everyone has them and everyone wants them to come true. The problem is not everyone's dream becomes a reality. Every person who has ever walked on the face of this earth has dreamed big dreams.

Yet unlike many of us, we are not willing to do whatever it takes to make them come true. We allow others to steal, crush, or make light of what we hold dear to our hearts. No one has that right. No one should have that power to control another person. God didn't give us a person to rule and hover over us and dictate our every move we make but He gave us a free will to choose who, what, and how our life would play out.

What we need to remember and get a handle on is once something gets deep into our spirits, we have an obligation to seek it out and pursue it with every thing in us. God said in His word that He didn't give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and to live above and beyond what we could think or ask.

So I have to ask, even myself included, if this is the case then why don't I see more of my dreams coming true and why am I not living above and beyond, in essence, the good life? I have allowed others by their words, actions, and deeds to come into my life and close the door to all my hopes and dreams.

I have allowed myself to believe in what others think of me instead of relying on what God thinks of me and who He says I can be. I have forgotten that He has a plan for my life and I have forgotten to seek His face for it.

So what I am proposing is we get back to the basics and close our mind off to others and quit allowing them access to our hopes and dreams and replace it with a fire and purpose to seek God and His righteousness and His plan for our lives and see where that leads us.

God Bless

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Bible Series

I didn't get a chance to watch the Bible on the History Channel when it came out so like all the other people who have DVR's I set mine to record the series. Anxious to watch it but to busy or maybe to lazy to watch it, I haven't watched it up until now.

However, in the mean time, I had gone to a bible study on the invitation of my aunt. While there, the Bible series become the topic of discussion. Eager to hear what the others might be thinking about it I sat a little straighter and open my ears to hear what they had to say.

Once the conversation got going, and I heard what people were saying, I began to get a pang in my spirit. I was shocked and appalled to listen to the words that was coming out of their mouths. Complaints, how dare they, it's not scripture, and who those kinds of shows do more evil than good and there is no way it follows the bible.

They talked about how the whole thing was surmised and not true. As the time went on, I noticed all they did was surmised about things in the bible. What Joseph must have thought when Mary got pregnant. What? Did I hear right? Yes I did.

What I have learned since then and now even as I watch the Bible series, I realize just how much surmising gets us in trouble. Surmising is brings trouble into our lives and opens unwanted doors that are left unopened. Surmising is more dangerous then judging others and we do it without thinking.

We think we know one thing and know how to fix the problems of the world. Surmising opens up the mouth and gives the tongue the right to spout out things that are better left unsaid. Surmising hurts people, especially the ones we love. It brings on hatred and allows strife to enter in and make a muck out of our lives.

So one thing is in need, take surmising out your vocabulary and make it a thing of your past.

God Bless.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Special Time of the Year

Everyone has a time in the year that is meaningful to them. Some would say Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year but let's not forget Thanksgiving and and all that turkey and pumpkin pie.

Others would think New Years Day with all the bowl games on television to be a dream come true and who doesn't like spring and summer? The beach is calling their name indeed. But for me, Easter is very special and this year is no exception.

However, this year has started out with a bang and so much has been thrown at me, I feel a little over whelmed with grief and sorrow, frustration and anger.

I've been betrayed by my daughter, learned my brother has cancer and doesn't seem to want to fight, and my heart has been destroyed by the one person I love more than life itself.

As Easter approaches I find myself needing something of a pick-me-up. Something that will raise me from the dead and bring life back into this heart and soul. What exactly am I looking for? Something only Jesus can bring me. Something that He already has done. A gift so precious that will set all the wrongs back in order and send them back to where they belong.

A gift once open will forever change the course of your life and returns won't be an option. A gift that can be shared with others. A gift having a return on investment bigger than anything the stock market could ever bring your way.

A gift with a promise of ever lasting life giving you the secret to the fountain of youth. A gift that was so graciously given by the King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and all He ask in return is for you to believe on Him and His resurrection and your willingness to give Him a little bit of your time, love, and devotion.

What is this gift? His death and want He accomplished on a cross on Friday afternoon. He gave it all while doing it all for you and for me. I would say it doesn't get any better than this and in a season of time such as this, it would stand to reason Easter should be everyone's special time of the year.

God Bless and Happy Easter.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Every Love Story

I once saw a saying on a back of an IPhone case and I immediately loved it:

Every Love Story is Beautiful,
But Ours is My Favorite
Do you have a love story? Do you have someone in your life that makes everything worth while?
Is there someone in your life giving you a reason to wake up and face the day? Is there someone who you can't stop thinking about or is receiving much of your attention minute after minute? Is there someone who you think you can't live without and if they were to leave, you would just die?
Seeing it is Valentines Day and the world is focused on love, I would like to add my two cents in worth. I have someone who makes my heart stop when he looks at me. I have someone who isn't embarrassed in being seen in public with me. I have that someone special who thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world and doesn't think I need to change a thing. I have a prince of a man who comes home to me every night and patiently waits for me to start the adventure of life out with him each morning.
He's become my soul mate and my best friend. No matter what happens around us, I now know I can count on him. I wouldn't change my life with him no matter. It hasn't been the easy but I can now tell you it's been well worth it and we are moving into a time in our lives where we are moving in agreement, friendship, and a greater, deeper love.
The problem: Others. What others think about our relationship. Family members who can't stand one of us. Confidence in our self so we can rise above those who talk and judge us.
Solution: Growing deeper in love and allowing God's love to reign supreme in our relationship. For without the greatest Lover, Friend, Counselor, Companion, and the Savior of all time we would not be celebrating this Valentines Day as a couple.
In fact, we would probably be Divorce Court or the Jerry Springer Show screaming at each other like a banshee. We have had so many ups and downs in our marriage it is indeed a miracle we still like each other.
So, if you are like how we were just a year ago, hating your spouse, disappointed in one another, and the trust has flown out the window, may I suggest you turn to the Greatest Valentine to ever to walk the face of the earth. He's waiting for you to ask Him to come into your love life and change it upside down. Believe me, it will be worth it for in the end, isn't it for He's Glory anyway?
God Bless.