Monday, July 2, 2012

100 Days of Scriptual Encouragement: Day 2

1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Fear is all around us. Every day and in most cases in every way. You can't go to the store without something happening these days and who knows when the next terrorist attack will be and where. Things are rapidly spiraling out of control and fear is becoming the norm.

Television doesn't help kicking the fear thing, going to the doctor is no longer just a shot in the butt for there is all kinds of possibilities it's going to be bad news behind exam room #1.

Yet, God tells us not to fear. We shouldn't fear what is going to happen today and we shouldn't fear about what is going to happen tomorrow for it's not guaranteed. The only thing we are promised is that God loves us unconditionally and even more so if we are His.

For He so loved the world. That's the key. He loves. He gave. Another key. His Son to die for the sins of this world. Jesus is our Savior, Healer, Revealer, He's all that and a box of chocolate. He's the only way. He's the truth and the light and no one comes to the Father but through Him.

We need to accept Him. We need to study Him. We need to obey Him. We need to walk where He walk and talk they way He talked and love the way He loves and watch the world take a different form. A form of love.

A love that knows no bounds or no ends. Only a beginning and the beginning of His love starts by acknowledging Him and what He did for you and for me. He's perfect and has the perfect love for us in any given situation. All we need to do is reach out and take a hold of it.

Need encouragement: Perfect love is Jesus, accept Him as your Savior and watch the fear being replaced with a love so grand that we will only thirst more for it. You don't have to do a thing to achieve it, just believe on the One that died for your sins.

God Bless.

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