Saturday, July 7, 2012


I don't know about where your living at, but where we are, it's hot. It's over 100 degrees out. I could talk about global warming and all the other things, but I want to focus on something else. A subject that rarely gets mentioned but plays a vital rule now and in the days to come.

HELL. Whether you believe in hell or not, it's not the issue. Just for kicks and giggles, believe in hell like I do.

Picture it: A place so spooky and miserable and hot. Very hot. Hotter than what parts of America is experiencing now.

There is no water in hell, here it's a luxury as we pull it from our sinks or refrigerator. There is bugs crawling on you at all times that seem to bite and eat on you without you having the ability to get rid of them. Unlike where you live. We have some form of getting rid of unwanted creatures whether it be a fly swatter, bug spray, or anything you can roll up and can take a hit and splash the creature in question.

It's noisy all the time. You can't get any relief from the screaming coming from others. Unlike now, you can plug your ears with headphones or drown out the screaming by turning up the radio. There is no one around, no family members to bother you, no friends calling you to ask and see if you can come out and play at the next party.

There is no drugs to relieve you of the pain you are in. Your body is on fire. There is no firemen to come and put out the flames. Your in jail and the guards are tormenting you all the time. Your constantly in solitary confinement and your crime? Not believing in the Lord of Lords and the Kings of Kings.

You've turned your back on His whispering. He's been calling your name every second and every hour and every day that you walked the face of the earth. He was waiting for you to respond to His invitation to His wedding and the reception that follows for all eternity. You've declined saying you had other things to do and He let you.

You've never seen His tears as you walked away never to look back again. Nor have you seen Him pray to the Heavenly Father on your behalf. "Just one more day, Father. Today could be the day they choose life."

You didn't see His mercy as He saved you from a plane crash, a car accident, or from the bully down the road. However, your mouth and the words that came out of it was what sealed your fate.

You didn't see His grace as you blamed Him for your problems in your life but He looked ahead and saw you and your future and counted it all joy to die for you and in His death, he conquered your problems and all you had to do was to walk in the promises He gave you through His word.

You didn't see your love because your hate was to great and now, your burning in a fire that can't be put out. Your fate sealed for all eternity. You thought it was hot while you walked on earth, but now it's excruciating. But that isn't the worst of it all, you've been separated from God and when He sees you on that final day, the only words He can say is "Depart from me, I never knew you." Your heart is going to break. Your tears are going to flow once more uncontrollably, unstoppable. You are going to realize your mistakes and there is no fix in sight. Your going to be pulled into the lake of fire and join the most evilest creature that ever roamed the planet. He's going to be your master and you are going to be his servant for he has blinded your eyes from the truth.

My friend, don't let this be you. I am on a daily struggle to see the God of creation and to feel His love for me, and to except the truth that will make me free. It's not easy, but it's worthwhile. I hurt and I let things get in my way, but I'm always in constant expectation of what the Lord is going to do with me.

I love Him. I want to serve Him. I need Him. He's the lover of my soul. He's my comforter. He's my healer. He's my provider, and one day, He will be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords to the earth and the universe and when I stand before Him will I be perfect in my walk? No, but I'm going fall on my knees and worship Him and imagine no more what eternity is going to be like for I will be walking into it with my best friend, Jesus Christ right beside me.

God Bless.

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