Thursday, July 5, 2012

100 Days of Scriptual Encouragement: Day 5

2 Timothy 2:19

Or which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained.

God's word is freedom and where there is freedom, there is liberty. God wants us to be free and we long to be free. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being chained like a criminal and the sufferings I have endure has been quite enough for me, thank you.

I feel like I'm the only personon the face of the earth who is going through something. NO one understands me and amazingly, NO one wants to come to my pity party. I'm all alone to work out my salvation and thank You, Jesus that you are the living word, and by the Holy Spirit, I can now understand what I'm to do with any given situation.

Indeed the word of God is a lamp unto my feet as it leads me to still waters, and brings me to my knees in front of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord's who died for me and my rights to be free.

Not only am I living in a free country, but now, I have the right to live free indeed in any thing I set my hands to because, my feet are planted on the rock that the builders rejected and I am eagerly awaiting the ending to His words where He will come back for me and I will live forever in His presence.

God Bless.

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